"I suppose you'll have fun declaring your love right after we've completed the mission."

Reichen's steely voice ceased the laughter within seconds and Sullien swiftly led us outside like an obedient lackey instead of the powerful noble he was.


The paintings did not do justice to the land of Solaris. Though it was considered one of the smallest kingdoms in the Grand West where all the powerful kingdoms were, no one could argue it was the most majestic.

It was prevalent that there was a barrier surrounding the whole territory which maintained its tropical weather and also the reason why Sullien could not teleport in the kingdom and we had to travel with the horses. Contrariwise, when we were inside the barrier, his magic worked again and we left our horses back at the inn in Carsos Town.

The sun met the sea on a picturesque horizon as the clear azure waters were reflecting the brightly tinted skies that were slowly turning to the colors of dark blues. We had been on the lookout since we arrived minutes ago but the scene was enough to distract me.

The golden temple became more luminous as it was hit by the last rays of the sun. The circular building had seven tiers, each layer getting smaller as it goes higher. Only tiny round windows decorated it paired with the gold arch at the entrance.

Uniformed knights were lined up at the entrance as well as knights roaming around. It was a problem how to get inside with how tight the security was.

"Damn it. I know why it's like this," mumbled Sullien.

We sent him questioning looks as his face etched with apprehension.

"Today is the first day of the Sun of the Sólmánuður. This is the Sun Month in which the priestess of the temple of the True God offers prayers to him."

"If that's the case, we'll return to another time," I suggested.

We had reviewed the layout of the building yesterday but it only had a single entrance and no one could fit in those windows so the infiltration was proving to be problematic.

"No. As a matter of fact, this is a good thing, too. We are here for the Staff of Verdigris and it is only used by the priestess during this day. We do not have to search for it since the priestess will probably be at the top with it. If only we could pass through the guards, then it will be easy to find our way since nobody will be inside for the ritual."

"I thought we came for the Verdi Chains?"

That was what I thought too since that was what we talked about yesterday.

"So that was why you were disinclined to let me join," said Reichen, his tone growing frostier upon realizing something. "You know we cannot just steal the Staff of Verdigris. That is what makes the kingdom stay afloat. If we steal it, there's a chance that the barrier will be affected. This is a holy land, Sullien."

I never saw Reichen looking so stern. Whereas in the meeting yesterday, he maintained an accommodating atmosphere but he was being austere now.

"I know. But we need to find the treasure and we will return the staff right after we checked if it is the Lost Treasures."

"If it is?"

Sullien did not answer and the implacable expression on Reichen worsen.

"People born here can only live within the barrier. If they are precipitously exposed without it, they will be in danger, Sullien. I reckon we abort this mission."

"But it is the strategy with the least casualty," Sullien reasoned out which did not placate Reichen.

"You are sacrificing a whole kingdom for an assumption. We are not sure what will occur if we take the staff away from the temple. I suggest that if you insist, we can talk to the priestess."

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