K n e e • C a p s

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From what Hinata knew the freckled male didn't make it. When Tsukishima found out he put up a fight. He pulled out his knife and grabbed the first Nekoma member he saw. Unfortunately it was Shibayama, Yaku's underling.

"Come near me and I'll kill him. I don't care about any of and I lost even more respect after you killed him."

Kenma positioned himself on the car. He loaded a small gun with a tranquilizer and aimed.

As soon as he pulled the trigger Tsukishima deflected it with his blade. Kenma stared in shock. Tsukishima pulled out another knife and threw it in Kenma's direction. He was barely able to dodge it.

Yaku and Kuroo aimed their guns at him. Tsukishima pulled Shibayama in front of him.

"Shoot I dare you."

Yamamoto and Kai were back at their base, so they didn't have any close ranged people to attack.

The rest of Karasuno put up a fight. They only surrendered when they realized that Nekoma had Daichi in their hands. Other than Tsukishima. Hinata walked up to him.


"I don't want to hear shit from you."

"Um rude."

"Me? Rude? You're lying."

"You're being sarcastic aren't you?"

"Sorry I forgot that you too incompetent to understand."

"No you."

Tsukishima let got of Shibayama and walked up to Hinata. He pressed his finger against Hinata's forehead.

"You must be looking in a mirror."


Hinata tackled Tsukishima. They both fell to the ground, the knife skidding away from them.

"You're the incomple- incomat- whatever!"

Bokuto and Kuroo ran up to them. Kuroo stifled a laugh.

"Chibi Chan it's pronounced incompetent."

"Incoma- incom- no I give up."

Bokuto grabbed Tsukishima by the arm and pulled him up. It was weird though, as if he willingly went with them.

A few minutes later everyone was busy with their own thing. Bokuto and Akaashi were being treated by Yaku and Shibayama, and Kenma was sticking his tongue out at Kageyama, who was being tied up, while holding Hinata's hand. Hinata didn't notice as he was talking with Kuroo.

"What are you going to do with them?"

"Force them to work with us."

"So an alliance or you're forcing them into Nekoma?"

"Well I never thought about it that way." He patted Hinata's head. "I'll have to talk to Yaku about that."

"By the way what did you do to Tsukishima?"


"The blonde."

"Oh we had to knock him out. He's kind of pretty though."

"I'm pretty sure his boyfriend died today."

"...oh. That means I have a chance!"

"Wha? No don't bother the guy."

"Wow have you grown that close to Karasuno already?"

"Some of them."

"Well it can't be helped."

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now