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They settled on making pasta with chicken. Surprisingly Hinata was a good cook. Unsurprisingly Sugawara was a great cook. Sure they were both hungry but that didn't stop them from messing around.

It was Hinata who decided to mess around first. While he was washing his hands he flicked water at Sugawara. Sugawara wiped his face and did the same thing. That went on until the pasta was ready.

Eventually they sat down to eat.

"Hey Sugawara san."


"Can you actually be my mom?"

Sugawara laughed. "Only if you join Karasuno."

"I'll consider."


"Yeah. I'll probably end up declining though."

"Why? Is the offer not enough?"

"I just like working alone."

"I'll make you a good deal tomorrow."


"You'll see."

Hinata just shrugged it off. They continued to talk until they finished their dinner. Instead of taking Sugawara to the guest room, he took him to his room.

"Another room?"

"You can't sleep in the other one."

"I guess you're being cautious huh?"

"Of course I am! Anyways I'm going to come late tomorrow."

"Is that so? Have fun on your date then."

"Thanks! I'm a little nervous though- how did you know I was going on a date?"

"I uh overheard a conversation. Sorry."

"Oh don't worry about it then." He didn't remember saying anything about the date, but he didn't remember many things in general so he let it slide.

"Hey do you want to cuddle?"

"You want to cuddle with me?"

"Well I like to cuddle."

"You live by yourself right? What do you do when there's no one here?"

"I sleep with other people."

"You wHAT??"

"I sleep with other people, or things."


"Well I like to cuddle with teddy bears sometimes. Sometimes I call someone over and on rare occasions I go to sleep by myself."

"Oh I thought you meant something else."


"Nothing. I'll cuddle with you."


"Yeah but it won't be my finest work because of all these bruises and cuts."

"That's fine. Cuddles are cuddles."
It didn't take long for them to go to sleep. Hinata had to admit he was a good at giving cuddles. Actually he was great, as good as Akaashi was or even better. And it wasn't even the best he could do.

Hinata woke up around 5:30. He didn't want to get up. He was too comfortable, but he had to go to work in thirty minutes. He slowly got out of Suga's arms and got ready for work. Before he left he made sure to lock his door. Even though he was closer to Sugawara he still didn't want to risk it.

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now