H i j a c k

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Hinata sighed and looked behind him. He saw a car behind them. An awfully familiar car. His eyes widened when he realized it was a red 2002 Cadillac Escalade. HIS Cadillac Escalade.

He gasped, which caught everyone else's attention.

"Hinata are you okay?"

"If they cras- hey do you have my phone?"


"It doesn't have a password. Call Bokuto."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because my car is at stake."

Sugawara nervously laughed. What did he mean by that? "Really?"


The phone rang for a few seconds then someone picked up.


"Is my car okay??"

"Uh well it might have a few dents from bullets since we are trying to keep the rest of Karasuno away."

"You bi- tell Kuroo to slow down."

"Were you about to curse?"



"NO! Bokuto you tattletale. This is why you're not my favorite, Akaashi is."

It was silent for a few seconds. "Say sike right now."

"Once you tell Kuroo to slow down."

"Why would I do that? We're trying to get you back. Hey wait how are you calling me?"

"Not important. Listen I don't want you to crash my car."

"We won't we will-"

"No don't do anything."

"Then how are you going to escape."

"I won't."


Hinata laughed. "I'm kidding. Plus I've taken care of everything."


"No. But be ready to pick me up." Hinata finished cutting his restrains. He slowly cut a long strip of fabric from his shirt.

"Okay but what are you going to do?"

"Simple." He made sure that the strip of fabric was long enough. "Use what Oikawa san taught me." Sugawara started started to pull out something from behind him.


"Yeah Oikawa san and Iwaizumi are great teachers. Also no need to let the whole world know."

"Okay well what did they teach you, how to break from restraints?"

"No." Hinata unzipped his jacket and stabbed the body guard in the throat. "How to hijack a car or plane." Sugawara dropped the phone and pulled out his gun.

"Move any closer and I won't hesitate to shoot you."

Hinata twisted the knife and looked at Sugawara. "Don't worry I won't kill you."

He looked back at the body guard, who was barley hanging onto life. "I would make a better body guard." He pulled out his knife.

He faced Sugawara. "I won't hurt you."

Sugawara put his finger on the trigger.

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt