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"What the hell Jeonghan?" My eyes get wide with shock. Jeonghan begins to laugh.

"You're looking funny." He states. I roll my eyes.

"He sees me as his younger sister." I clear his misunderstanding.

"Then what about Jisoo and-" Jeonghan begins to ask but I cut his sentence.

"About them, they aren't in a relationship right now but they used to be. And according to my observations they still love each other but are afraid to admit maybe but whatever it is don't you think they make a sweet couple." I ask him in awe. He begins to think.

"Yeah they look good." Jeonghan agrees.

"I know that's why I ship them. Just don't tell unnie." I state proudly.

"I'll definitely tell her." Jeonghan pokes his tongue at me. I glare at him.

"You will not." I request him with puppy eyes.

"We'll see. Let's not talk now. Food has arrived." He diverts his attention to the food and ignores me. Huh. Jerk.

We eat our food deliciously. Then I drag Jeonghan to an ice cream stall to buy ice cream. Everyone knows how much I love it. We buy our ice creams and exit the food street.

"Should I call a taxi?" Jeonghan asks while eating his icecream.

"No. We can just walk to the guest house. It's not that far." I reply. He nods. We begin to walk.

"But if you're tired then we can go by taxi. I mean older people get tired easily." I tease him while eating a big spoon of my ice cream.

"Yah. Stop it. I'm not old." He complains and stop walking. I giggle.

"I'm just kidding oppa. Don't get angry." I try to act cute.

"Aigoo. So cute. Are you a baby?" Jeonghan asks in a playful tone. I get confused.

"What?" I ask. Jeonghan takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and comes closer to me.

"You eat like a kid." He smiles and wipes my mouth. I had ice cream on my mouth. No no. I grow red in embarrassment. He gives me the handkerchief.

"Don't worry you still look cute." He states while looking me in the eyes. I blush more and take the handkerchief with a thank you.

"It's getting cold. Let's go." He says and begins to walk again. I catch up with him while completing my ice cream. We walk in silence for a bit.

I feel something wet on my head. As soon as I look above a rain drop trickles down my cheek followed by several others. It was drizzling. I look at Jeonghan only to see him also realizing the same thing. It starts raining heavily after a few minutes.

Jeonghan grabs my hand and starts running. We both try to look for a taxi or a shelter but it was getting difficult because of the increasing rain as well as cold. Jeonghan stops abruptly and turns around.

"Are you okay?" He asks. His words were coated in concern.

"Don't worry Han. I'm absolutely okay." I try to smile but my shivering lips give away the fact that I was freezing. We were both completely drenched by the rain. I spot a convenience store by far.

"Let's go there." I say while pointing in it's direction. Jeonghan follows my direction and pulls me to the store quickly. The store was closed but there was enough space to stand under the shelter.

"We're soaked." I exclaim after observing both of our states. I was completely shivering by now. I try to control it but all in vain. Jeonghan notices my state immediately and places his both hands on my cheeks. He curses under his breath.

Nothing Without You | Yoon Jeonghan (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now