Chapter 30-Pregnancy

Start from the beginning

The pain of labor was a prison for your mind. In that jail cell of fear and confusion the time passed without you being able to keep track. Your stomach tightened and you heard your own scream without being aware of making it.

Labor would last for 5 long and grueling hours. You lolled your head back each contraction as they picked up the pace and intensity and you gasped for air. Spencer moved your wet hair off your face and kissed where it covered.

"You're doing so good." He whispered.

You were finally at 10cm and the doctor said you could begin pushing. Each time you pushed you squeezed his hand and yelled. You didn't care how loud you were, you needed this kid out of you. You sat back after the third push.

"I-I can't.. Spence.." You breathed.

"Hey, yes you can okay? You're the strongest person I know and you can do this y/n." He could tell you didn't believe him so he moved the bed and sat behind you. He wrapped his hands around the base of your neck and leaned his head into your shoulder. His legs went to your sides and you held onto his hands and relaxed.

"Alright, were going to need you to push very soon." The doctor said.

You slowly nodded and braced yourself.


You pushed forward and groaned. He held on tightly to you and you dug your nails into his arms. He ignored the pain and just held you.

The baby's crying erupted the silence. You breathed in relief, it was over.

"It's a boy."

Spencer smiled. "You hear that? We have a boy, a son." He said lightly rubbing your back.
You smiled and watched them clean him up and swaddle him in a blue blanket.

When your child was born, it was as if only sunshine existed the world, as if all the earth was ushered into harmony.

They gave you your son and you held him above your bare chest. He stopped crying when he looked up at you. You started to cry and so did Spencer when he rested his head over your shoulder to look at him. You looked into those new eyes, a new consciousness, perfect and reaching out for your love. In that instant, you knew you would do anything to protect your only child, that your love was as vast as the universe yet solid as rock. You were a mother and would always be. You pulled at the little blue hat to get a better look.

"He has your nose." You smiled.

"He has your eyes." He replied.

He kissed you on your cheek and you both sat there, admiring this new life, your child.

Spencer went out into the hallway to call the team while you held onto your son. You softly cooed at him and he smiled. His first smile almost broke you. Spencer walked back and stood next to the bed. He softly mumbled inaudible words and he held his finger out. Your son grabbed his finger with his hand and lightly squeezed. Spencer's raised his eyebrows and his mouth flew open.

"Did you see that?" You laughed and nodded. "He has a good grip." You smiled. You never saw him happier.

After what happened last year you never thought you'd get your chance at being a mother but it did, it happened. You couldn't ask for anything else. You had your boys.

The team showed up and an hour later you were sleeping. Spencer held your son and bounced him up and down lightly humming to keep him quiet, something he picked up in a "New Parents" book. They walked into your room and Derek started to yell something but he cut him off with a loud "sh!" It didn't work and you woke up.

"I'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's fine." You interrupted.

"Who's this little guy?" He had a huge smile when Spencer turned so he could see your son.
"Aydin Joshua Reid." He looked over at you and smiled. "Aydin, Turkish roots meaning intelligent and Joshua for her brother." He explained. They all smiled and got a chance to look at Aydin.

"So our warrior here sat for 5 hours through labor?" Derek said walking over to hug you.
"Shut up." You punched his shoulder and he jokingly put his hands up.

JJ had Henry and she sat him on the couch and helped him hold Aydin. He smiled when he looked down at him and everyone's hearts melted. Hotch broke off and went next to you.

"Congratulations again y/n." He smiled. You loved it when your boss smiled. It was so rare and pure. Work was dark but at the end of the day your team, your family, was the light.

"If you ever need days off I can always babysit. I'm sure Jack would love to get to know Aydin." He offered.

"Thank you." You sighed. "I just know I'm going to need them." You looked back at Spencer. He was holding Aydin's head up while he lay in Henry's lap. "He'll need them too."

Before Derek and Penelope left you stopped them.

"Would you guys like to be the godparents?" Their eyes lit up.

"Would you like- of course we would!!" Penelope yelled. She was so excited she hugged you and began to cry.

"Anything for you princess." He grinned.

They eventually filed out and left you both so you could get some rest. You rocked your baby to sleep and Spencer slowly picked him up and set him in the crib next to your bed. You scooted closer and watched him sleep. Spencer got in your bed on the left of you and moved one arm over you and touched the crib. He lightly rubbed Aydin's stomach to deepen his sleeping state.

You moved your hand around his arm and fell asleep with his head rested on yours.

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