♔Chapter Eighty♔

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Part Four



As I was coming to, I slowly opened my eyes, looking around.

I could see that I was in the back of a van of some sort, and the inside was all white. My hands and feet were bound to a gurney, and I could feel an IV sticking in my arm. My eyes darted around, and they landed on the one person whom I never wanted to see again. Chase.

He caught us in the forest. Somehow he must have known we were running there. No. I wanted to get away, I wanted my friends and family to be safe, and I wanted to escape from his wrath.



My family?

I just kept myself calm and relaxed as best as I could, knowing Chase was right beside me. On the other side of him was Dr. Kim and Nurse Smith from St. Matthew's. Oh Lord, I'm back to the insane treatments and shock therapy. Just kill me now.

Chase sat with one knee hooked over the other, hands folded together as he grinned my way in his polished black suit. The nurse was in the same uniform I last saw her and does Dr. Kim ever change his clothes? I doubt he even showers. He looked perfect in a creepy china-doll way.

A fine sheen of sweat covered my forehead as I glanced toward the ceiling, knowing I was about to get more shocks any second now. I couldn't help but wondered how everyone was.

"You're probably wondering how I found you, Luna." That was Chase. And my tolerance of him was eating me alive.

He chuckled in his seat, reading my mind.

I shifted my gaze back to his, meeting the startling gray in his eyes. There wasn't an ounce of emotion in his hard, cold stare. "No. I know how."

A soft smile pulled at his lips. "You couldn't possibly think you could get away from me, did you, baby?"

"Don't call me that. That right belongs to my husband, Amir."

"Ah, yes, Amir Ibrahim Khan. You know, when I met him the first time, he didn't know I knew who he was. He was shaking so badly as his eyes glared into mine. I could feel the agony his soul was in when he couldn't pound into me. It was hilarious. I even tapped into his mind and saw the memory of how you were shocked that he could understand English the first moment you spoke to him. So I did the same. Just to insult his intelligence."

I felt the van stop and then speed off quickly, and all I wanted to do was shove his ass out the back door, let someone run over his head. It was definitely a transport van I was in. "You are nothing but a big asshole, and a narcissist."

"Oof. Like that hurt my soul. You don't know what went on. You weren't there."

"Yes, I was. You aren't the only one who can tap into someone's mind."

"Ah, yes. But I am curious about something, Mrs. Khan. Why did you break the rule and fall in love with Amir?"

"Because he knows how to give me what I need, unlike soulless jerks like you."

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