-Chapter 27- (Final) Happy Ending

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1 year later...

I was waiting to see the Army cars. Nora was playing with Rin and Riku. They were so excited to see Neji. I was too. I then finally saw the car. My heartrate sped up. I was so excited but nervous.

I saw some soldiers getting out and walking to their families. I then saw some of my friends. Sasuke, Naruto, Sai, and Shikamaru. They all looked so much older. I haven't seen them for years. We all got so busy, we didn't have time to visit. I kept looking around for Neji. Then thats when I saw him. Tears began falling. Nora saw Neji.

"P-PAPA!!!!!!!" Nora screamed as she ran to Neji, he got on his knee and hugged Nora. Rin and Riku joined.

"You all grown so much! I'm so happy to see you all..." Neji said. I ran to him sobbing.

"I thought you were gone! I didn't get letters from you... baka... your finally home..." I cried. Neji hugged all of us.

Hyuga Family was now one again.

"Shall we go get some Pizza?" Neji said.

"HAI!!!" We all said.

(Is this the end? No! I am still continuing this. It will be Extra Stories!)

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