-Chapter 24- More..?

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1 month later...

"Come on... You can do it Nora!" I said. Nora was so close to being able to crawl. Neji and I were encouraging Nora to try to come to us. Nora pushed her arms and knees, she then wobbly crawled. For the first time!

"Good job! You can do it!" I said. I felt so proud. Nora was heading towards Neji. Neji then picked up Nora smiling.

"You did it! Good job buttercup!" Neji said. Nora squealed.

"Phwaa! Naan!" Nora said.

"She is getting close... I wonder what her first word would be...?" I wondered.

"Well we will find out soon." Neji said.  Nora then closed her hands and tapped her mouth.

"Oh your hungry? I'll get you a snack." I said. I've taught Nora to use sign language like food, please, etc. It's been helpful. She is already so smart. I gave Nora a cracker. My stomach was upset all the sudden. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Not this again....

"H-Hunny?" Neji was worried. After a few minutes, I came out.

"You alright?" Neji asked. He had Nora sitting on his lap.

"Eh... I'm doing alright." I said.

"Do you think your...?" Neji said.

"Could be... We can go to the hospital and get an ultrasound." I said. Neji then nodded. We made an appointment for tomorrow. It was also Nora's checkup too.

"Tenten..." Neji said. I looked at him.

"Thank you so much for giving me this much joy..." Neji smiled.

"I should be the one saying thank you." I said as I kissed his forehead.

Next Day...

"Temari, We are leaving..." I said.

"Kay! Be careful." Temari waved goodbye. Neji and I walked to the car. I put Nora in the baby carrier in the backseat and strapped her in. I then sat in the front seat.

"Alright. Let's go." Neji said. We then were heading to the Hospital.

"This is exciting. I really hope that it worked." I said. Neji chuckled.


"So you are here for an Ultrasound?" The nurse asked.

"Hai. Plus my daughter's checkup." I said.

"Well then please follow me. I'll take you to the room." The nurse said. She took us to the room.

"You can sit up there while you wait. The doctor will be with you in a sec." The nurse said.

"Arigato." I said. Neji was entertaining Nora with the toys. Eventually the Doctor came in.

"Hello. Your here to find out if you have a child?" The doctor said. I nodded.

"Well thats exciting! I'm sure your child would love to have a sibling." She said. I smiled.

"Alright I will need you to lay down and pull your shirt up a bit. Same with your pants." She said. I did exactly what she said. She then put a really cold cream on my belly. She them used the ultrasound. She moved it around searching for the baby.

"Oh? I see a baby!" The doctor said. I felt so happy. Neji was smiling so much.

"Congratulations- wait..." She said. I was concerned. Was it not a baby?

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