What is New?

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Ok I didn't expect this editing to be so quick. Anyways I'll tell you guys what was new. 

- Misspelling has been fixed

- Separated speaking so its easier to read.

- Made some things bold or etc for parts I missed.

-From Chapter 1 to something... I added certain words so the relationship isn't so sudden and Tenten didn't just accept it so quickly. 

HUGE CHANGE to 2 Chapters! 

I have changed/ added more things to 

-Chapter 20- Soon (I made it longer, plus a bit more realistic)

-Chapter 21- Birth (I mostly changed the beginning. The rest are okay.) 

What will be coming up? 

- More wholesome parts

- The boys does something that shocked everyone

- Tenten has made a choice

- Highschool life as a Teenage mother

- Family grows

- Wholesome Nora

- Probably extra drama 

Also Holy shit 240 views!? Thank you all so much!!!!!!! 

As a thanks to this much progress... I will be answering any questions you guys give me!

Feel free to ask me anything!!!! 

\(^w^)/ ~<3

luv you all!

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