-Chapter 5- Sleepover

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Neji came over. The girls left to give me and Neji some alone time.

"How are you doing panda..?" Neji sat on my bed. I stayed quiet.

"This is my fault... I'm sorry." Neji was furious at himself. I peeked at him.

"N-Neji..." I mumbled. It wasn't his fault. I sat up and I hugged him.
"Its not your fault..." I said.

"Tenny. You could have been kidnapped... I don't know what I would without you.. I-I...I-I... I love you Ten.. I will protect you at all cost" Neji got really close to my face. I was in shock.

D-did he just... confess?

He then kissed me on the lips. I didn't know what to do but... I... kinda enjoyed it. It felt nice.

All this time... I never had feelings for Neji. He was just a really nice person. Yeah he can be serious and scary but really he is a softie. He cherish his friends very well. When he kissed. I felt odd. I felt... warmth...

Is this real? Is this what love feels like?

" H O L Y S H I T! ITS CANON!!!! AHHH!" You could hear someone yelling outside the dorm. It was Ino. Apparently they were watching me by peeking through the door.

I didn't care at this point. I just wanted Neji. We then started to use our tongues.

"Alright Time skip is sponsored by Temari..." Temari broke the 4th wall.

We then broke the kiss. I stared into his lavender eyes.

"Neji...." I was blushing so much. I had never realized that I liked him.

"Ne-Neji... I......." Neji then shush me.

"Its alright. Don't say anything." Neji said. I nodded. I needed a time alone to think about stuff. I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom.

"I'll be taking a bath. Again.." I said. I sounded depressed. I closed the door. I then heard all the girls rushing inside and overwhelming Neji.

"So are you two dating now?!" Sakura asked. Neji just stared at them. I rolled my eyes. I turn on the water, watching it fill up the tub. I then undressed myself and carefully got in the warm water. I was thinking about... the experience I had last night.

"Moan louder!"
"Eat this!"
"Stop crying so much bitch."
"You can't fight us now"

I began to sob uncontrollably. It was such a horrible experience. Tears wouldn't stop falling. My eyes were pink. I then heard a knock. I looked at the door.

"You okay...?" It was Sakura.

"A-Ah... yes...I'm fine..." I lied.

"Please don't lie. We are willing to do anything for you. You have us." Sakura said. I couldn't help it but vent.

"Fine I'm not okay! It was a horrible experience last night. I felt empty, hopeless, and pain. They wouldn't stop! I tried to fight them off. I failed though... I hated myself for moaning! I gave up so quickly. I was ready for them to kill me. But they didn't. I felt so depressed and scared. I don't want to go anywhere! I hate myself.. so much....." I yelled. There was a long silence. Talking about it made me cry even more. I got out and dried myself. I brushed my hair. I then put on a White sweater with red pants.
I walk out and everyone was looking at me. I ignored them and flopped on my bed. Covering my head with my pillow.

"Tenten." Sakura then got on the bed and lay with me. The girls joined.

"I'm assuming you all won't leave me alone." I asked.

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