-Chapter 4- Threathened

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It was time for my date. I got my shoes on and went out my dorm. Neji told me he would be outside waiting. That's what he texted me.

I walked outside. I looked around for Neji. I didn't see him at all.

"Hello their pretty girl..."

"Wha- who are- MMHMM!!!" The person covered my mouth. He restrained my arm.

"We are going to have so fun... with my friends..." It was some of the boys from my class. My eyes widen as I watched them get closer. They pulled me into an dark ally. The boys were touching all over my body. I kept squirming around trying to break free. My arms and legs were hurting so much. Suddenly one of them touches my chest. I flinched and it had made me squirming even more. I wasn't going to let some pervert do this to me.

"Shh... it will be fine... it'll feel good.. " the boy whispered in my ears. One slid their hand in my skirt. I panicked. I couldn't believe this was happening. I tried kicking them in the face. It was hurting to much. One of them then... kept kissing my neck. I can't give in! No way! Ah.. no way! I can't give in...ah...

He started to undress me. That was the final straw. I headbutted the one that was kissing my neck. My hand was free. I punched the boys, but I lost. They had control. I was being raped...

1 hour later...

"That felt fucking amazing... let's just leave her here. Heh" The boys left. I was laying on the ground exhausted. I was in so much pain, I can't let anyone find me like this... I pushed myself off the ground, grabbed my clothes back on. I tried walking but my legs was so numb and sore I was going to fall at any second. Stuff oozes out my mouth. I finally reached to my dorm. I opened my dorm door. I saw Temari watching T.V. I took one step and I fell. Temari quickly caught me.

"Wha...the.. T-Tenten?! What the hell happened to you?! You... smell funny..." Temari asked. I began bawling on her chest.

"I-I-I-I.... w-was.... r-r-ra-ra-raped..." I stuttered. Temari face was terrified.

"You were what!!" Temari yelled. I was crying so much. Temari saw the stuff coming out of my mouth.

"Oh my god... oh my god... I'm so sorry... oh my god..." Temari whispered. Neji had noticed I was home. The door was open. He looked over and saw me sobbing.

"Tenny?! What happened?!" Neji got on his knees and held my shoulder. Temari told Neji what happened. Neji was furious. So pissed.

"Ten. Did he do it in um..." Temari asked. I shook no.

"Okay good. I'm going to take you to the bathroom and help you wash." Temari said. I nodded.

"Neji....in the meantime... find those fuckers..." Temari said. Neji nodded. He then left.

Temari and I were in the bath together. She was washing my hair for me.


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"Temari... I don't... I don't want to leave this dorm.." I said. I was far too scared.

"Tenny... its okay... we will protect you at all cost for now on." Temari grabbed the shower head and rinsed off my hair. I didn't know what else to say.

"Do you feel sore..?" Temari asked. I nodded. Temari got out and grabbed the towel. She dried herself first then help Tenten get dried as well. I then grabbed my comfortable pajamas and I immediately lay down on my bed. I was looking away from Temari. She joined me on my bed. It kinda helped make me feel better.

"Good night.. ten.." Temari said. I mumbled goodnight back.

Next day...

"... um.... Temari? Tenten...?" Ino knocked on the door. Temari woke up and opened the door. Ino, Sakura, and Hinata all had a concerned face. They heard about what had happened to me.

"Leave..." I said. I didn't want to see anyone. I covered my head in my blanket.

"What can we do to help?" Sakura asked Temari. She sighed.

"We should give her some alone time, but still support and check in with her." Temari said. The girls nodded.

"Hey Tenten... I know you don't want to talk to us... but we want to let you know that Neji found the boys and they are now expelled and arrested. You are safe now." Hinata said. I ignored Hinata. I wanted to just... cry. I didn't like this feeling...

I ended up sobbing to myself. Temari sat on my bed rubbing my back.

"Ne-neji..." I quietly said. "Can.. I see Neji....?" I asked.

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