-Chapter 22- Return

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It had been a month after the birth. I was still exhausted but I am able to function correctly. We were able to go back to our dorms.

"Shall we go?" Neji asked as he held the bag.

"Hai." I said carrying Nora in the baby carrier. We walked to the car. I sat in the back seat with Nora. Neji opened the trunk and threw the bag inside. He then shut it. Neji opened the door and got in. He looked back at me.

"Are you two buckled up?" Neji asked.

"Hai." I smiled. Neji then started driving. Nora made a noise.

"I know right?" I said. Nora continued making noise. I would pretend I was having a conversation with her. It made Neji laugh. He could tell I was going to be a good mother. I wiggle my fingers as I was playing with Nora. I would boop her nose. It would make Nora smile.

"We are almost there." Neji said.

"Kay." I said. I looked at Nora. I didn't regret anything. This was the best choice I've ever made.

Konoha Highschool

We made it back. Neji parked his car. I unbuckled myself and Nora. I grabbed the carrier and then shut the door. Neji grabbed the bag and we headed on inside. So many students stared at me. I ignored them. I arrived at my dorm. I unlocked the door and apparently everyone was here. They all wanted to see the baby. Everyone went quiet once we came inside.

"I'm assuming you are all here to see the baby Well then you can... Everyone.. Meet our daughter...
Nora Hyuga" I said. I had took Nora out of the carrier and then sat at my bed. Everyone was in awe.

"N-Nora.... Hyuga... oh kami..." Hinata began to cry.

"CA-" Before Naruto could even speak, he got a mouthful of Sasuke's shoe.

"Shut up dobe. Be quiet." Sasuke sighed. Nora babbled.

"I know! These are strangers to you aren't they? They are my friends. Good friends. You will like them." I talked to Nora.

Ino was dead from over cuteness.

Hinata got up close. Nora stared at Hinata for a long time. Neji was sitting by Tenten.

"That is Aunt Hinata.." I said. Hinata rubbed Nora's head. She was so happy. She ended up crying.

"I-I'm an aunt now..." Hinata said. I couldn't help it but laugh. Nora flapped her arm.

"Dang... the baby came a week early..." Shikamaru sighed. I grabbed one of the baby toy Hinata got. I then gave it to Nora. She began to mouth on it. Sasuke then walked up to Nora. I was curious what he was going to do. Sasuke looked at Nora who was babbling. Sasuke smiled.

"Since there are a lot of idiots like Naruto... We all will make sure she is safe from any harm." Sasuke said. I was shocked at what he said. I thought he hated babies.

"H-Hey!" Naruto said.

"Even if its a drag... I'll make sure she is safe..." Shikamaru sighed. Sai just smiled.

"Aww thank you guys. Your all so sweet. Also Sasuke I thought you hated babies." I said. Sasuke walked back to where he was sitting.

"I do, But your baby is different. Can't really explain." Sasuke said. I was so confused. Sakura had her mouth open. She then blushed.

"OOh I can't wait to dress her up!!" Ino said squealing. I chuckled. I put Nora in her crib. The crib was next to my bed. Neji had built it last week. Nora was on her belly and was looking at us.

"We will leave you guys alone. Enjoy the family time..." Sakura said. Everyone left.

"Thanks for coming over.." I said. I then looked at Nora. She had fallen asleep. I sighed with a smile.

"I'm going to go sleep. I'm still really tired." I said. I then lay down on my bed and fell asleep. Neji was in bed with me as well.

Neji moved in my dorm. Hinata was going to stay in Sakura and Ino's dorm. We had a bigger bed which was nice. Temari was okay with Neji staying here. Temari promised she would help out as much as she can.

2 hours later...

Nora began crying. It had awoken me. I got up and picked her up.

"shhh... Its okay....shhh... I'm here..." I softly said. Nora still cried. I began bouncing her trying to calm her down. It wasn't working.

"Are you hungry..? Is that what you want..?" I said. I then sat down on my bed and began breastfeeding Nora. She was indeed hungry. Temari noticed that my breast was bigger.

"S-Since when did your breast get so big?" Temari said. I looked at her.

"How did you not notice?" I asked.

"er... It might have been growing slowly that I didn't noticed..?" Temari said.

"Or your blind..." I said. Temari laughed nervously. I rested my head on Neji's Shoulder. Neji smiled and petted my head.

After 30 minutes...

Nora stopped. I covered my breast and put Nora back to bed. This was going to be a long year.

"rest now Nora..." I said. I kissed Nora to bed.

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