-Chapter 24- More..?

Start from the beginning

"O-Oh my... Congratulations!!" She said.

"Your having twins!" The doctor said. Neji and I just stared at the doctor, giving no reactions.

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"E-Eh...?" I said.

"Your... Having Twins." The doctor repeated. It took a while for Neji and I to progess this. Eventually we understood it and freaked out.

"I-I'M HAVING TWINS?!?" I yelled.

"T-T-T-TwIns?" Neji then fainted.


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"Er..." The doctor didn't know what to say.

"A-Are you sure...?" I asked.

"Yep. If you look closely..." The doctor pointed on the screen. She showed me where the two babies are. I could see them. I have two living beings inside me. Neji got up and took a closer look.

"Tenten..." Neji said. I was worried about what he was going to say.

"Its going to be okay. I promise." Neji smiled. I felt a bit better.

"May I do the checkup on Nora..Hyuga?" The doctor said. I nodded. I pulled my shirt and pants up. I then grabbed Nora and had her sit on my lap.

After a few minutes...

Nora didn't cry at all. She was a brave girl. After the appointment, we got into our car and just stayed quiet the whole ride back. Once we arrived back in our dorm, Temari got excited.

"So are you pregnant?" Temari asked. I nodded. Temari the squealed and hugged me.

"Tenten... Do you want me to gather up everyone..?" Neji asked. I nodded.

30 minutes later...

"Hey... Uh.... So I have a HUGE announcement..." I said. Everyone looked at me.

"Again...?" Sakura said.

"I'm... Uh... Pregnant... again..." I said. I was fiddling with my hands.

"Congratulations! Nora will have a sibling! Thats great!" Ino said.

"Yeah... 2 siblings!" I said.

"Two siblings...?" Hinata stared at me. The boys were looking at each other with confusion.

"You mean't 1 right?" Sakura asked. I looked away. Sakura realized I didn't say it wrong.

"Y-YOUR HAVING TWINS?!" Sakura yelled. It had made everyone freaked out.

"Seriously?!" Shikamaru was speechless.

"Er... Yeah.." I laughed Nervously.

"Pwahh! Pwahh!" Nora cried for her papa. Temari was holding Nora.

"Pwapwa!" Nora yelled.

"Papa!" Nora yelled again. I stared at my child. I have never felt so happy for Nora. Neji began sobbing.

"Her first word!" Temari smiled. She gave Nora to Neji. I could tell Nora was going to bond with Neji a lot more in the future.

"I can't wait!" I said smiling.

6 month later...

I was 6 month pregnant... Nora was a year old. She could walk now. She could say few words now, and my god... taking care of toddlers is hard.

"Nora. Please stop banging the toys on the walls." I groaned. Temari got up to play with Nora. Toddlers had so much energy! How do they keep so much energy!!

"Temari thank you so much..." I said. I had forgotten this was my last year of high-school. I then felt really sad.

"Hey Temari...?" I said.

"Hm...?" Temari looks at me.

"I'm going to miss you..." I said.

"Me too... But we won't be gone forever. I'll make sure to visit." Temari said.

"Yeah... But still..." I said.

"You and Neji are getting a house after you graduate... right?" Temari asked. I nodded.

"I see... so your not going to college...?" Temari asked. I shook no.

"Kami... I'm seriously going to miss you..." Temari said. She played with Nora.

"And Nora too..." Temari said.

"Well... Promise me something." I said.

"Promise me you will call me every week!" I said.

"Of course!" Temari smiled.

Yeah... Graduation...

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