Part 31-32

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I do not also own the soundtrack to Mario and Luigi: Dream Team. That's... not that random of a statement to make. I usually listen to video game soundtracks when I write my chapters. It keeps me motivated and gives me some drive to write. :) ... However, I do not own any of the soundtracks I use either. Only copies of the games. That makes me sad as well :(

"DIE!" Shukaku screamed at the jinchūriki.

The giant tanuki had charged them, attempting to ram the three shinobi head-on with all of his weight. Naruto, Han, and Rōshi managed to jump out of the way, avoiding his attack. Shukaku then proceeded to swing his tail at them. Both Naruto and Han were able to avoid the attack, but Rōshi was unable to get away in time. The Yonbi jinchūriki was knocked backwards and hit the ground hard. He hissed in pain.

"Old man!" Naruto's eyes widened.

Shukaku raised his claw and pointed it at the downed-jinchūriki. Sand moved forward rapidly towards him in the shape of a hand. As the sand was about to reach him and grab him, Rōshi stood up. His own hand was then surrounded by molten rock. Rōshi punched the incoming sand directly, destroying it instantaneously. He then made a series of hand signs before releasing a barrage of molten lava rocks from his mouth directly at Shukaku. The balls collided with the tanuki's body, causing it to stop moving and wince slightly in pain.

"Naruto, with Rōshi here, let's try getting you atop Shukaku one more time the same way we have been trying." Han suggested as he charged Shukaku, seeing an opportunity to strike.

The Gobi jinchūriki delivered a steam-augmented kick to the tanuki's stomach, causing him to wince and lean back slightly. Naruto proceeded to jump back on the bijū's tail and began to climb up it again.

"Quit trying this!" Shukaku hissed. "It's not going to-"

"Lava Style: Melting Apparition Jutsu!"

The Ichibi's comments were interrupted as Rōshi released a fast-moving lava-like acid from his mouth. The acid made direct contact with Shukaku's body, causing it to shout in pain from the burning.

'Shukaku seems to be sensitive to high temperatures, for some reason. If Rōshi keeps attacking him like that, and I join him, then maybe we can make enough of a distraction for Naruto to attack Gaara.' Han rationalized his plan. He then lowered the mask on his face before making his own set of hand signs. "Boil Style: Skilled Mist Jutsu!"

Han breathed out a corrosive, steam-like mist from his mouth that moved through the air rapidly. The mist collided with Shukaku's body at the same location Rōshi attacked him at.

"Fucking hot!" Shukaku cursed, closing his eyes further.

Both Iwa jōnin continued to attack the Ichibi with their jutsus, applying as much heat as they could and keep him distracted. Naruto took advantage of Shukaku's stunned state to continue climbing the bijū's body. The Kyūbi jinchūriki was past his back and was about to start climbing the tanuki's neck.

"Quit it already!" The Ichibi growled.

Shukaku lifted his foot before slamming it on the ground. Sand spikes developed under the ground, directly beneath Rōshi and Han. The two jinchūriki weren't able to get away in time and were impaled immediately by the rising sand-spike. Both Rōshi and Han gasped in pain and both jinchūriki proceeded to cough up blood. They attempted to pull themselves off the spike, but found themselves unable to do so. The sand was seemingly holding them in place on their spikes.

Now that the Iwa shinobi were no longer distracting him, Shukaku turned his attention to Naruto. The blonde had now managed to get up past his neck and was now running on his head towards Gaara's body. The bijū narrowed his eyes. Sand on his head rushed forward and quickly grabbed Naruto's body. Shukaku then tossed the Konoha shinobi off his head towards Han and Rōshi.

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