Part 24// Iron Collision

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Disclaimer: Too tired...can't come up with something witty to say about not owning Naruto...zzzzzzzzzzz....

Author's Note: Hey guys! :) I was hoping to get this out sooner, but I've been kinda busy recently. As mentioned in my other story's author note, my girlfriend just graduated high school last week, and I had a job interview last Friday and I got my job back from last summer. So yeah...kinda busy! But I finished this chapter as fast as I could! I'm not going to hold you all back any longer! Here's chapter twenty-four! Enjoy :)

Twenty-nine days since the preliminary exam. The day of the third exam!

Naruto woke up early in the morning and stretched before getting out of bed. Normally, the blonde would walk slowly, still tired from waking up, to his calendar. Today, Naruto was not tired after waking up and he certainly did not need to check the calendar to see what day it was.

"Today's the day!" He declared happily.

The blonde rushed to take a shower. After finishing, he brushed his teeth and ran back to his room to get changed. He put on the news clothes that Anko had given him the night before and proceeded to look into the mirror.

"Heh, I look so badass!" He told himself with a grin. He flexed his right arm. "I need to find out where Anko-sensei found this. I'd love to get more clothes like this!"

After getting dressed, Naruto ate a quick breakfast and then gathered the rest of his things that he would need for the exam. The blonde then opened the door to his apartment and was about to walk off towards the exam. Just as he was about to leave, though, he saw a note attached to the door of his apartment.

"Hmm?" The blonde gave a strange look at the note. He pulled it off and started to read it.

"Dear Naruto,

Hey kid, how are you doing? Doing good I hope! Today's your big day in the third exam, and you need to be in tip-top, ass-kicking shape. So I expect nothing less than that!

Sorry for not coming by this month, by the way. I was actually hoping to stop by and meet you finally and maybe even help out with your training for the third exam. But alas, the old monkey we call Hokage decided he needed me. There's a lot of stuff going in Konoha and I'm doing my best to make sure everything turns out okay here. Once all of this is over, though, we need to meet up and do something! Maybe a trip? Or just a dinner and agree to meet up and train every once in a while? I don't really know. We can work out the details a little later!

I'll be at the third exam though today. I've got important things to do, but I'll be paying attention to the matches. I'll especially be paying attention to you. You can do this kid. Earn your promotion! Speaking from personal experience, once you become chūnin, some the civilian ladies will be all over you for the first few days after your promotion. Hehehehe, take advantage of that kid!

I really don't want to keep you long, so I'll wrap this up here I guess. I'm watching the exams. Do well for me, will ya? I'm actually gonna put a lot of money on you in a few bets. Maybe if you make me a lot of money, I'll split the profit with you. Something to keep in mind...

But regardless how things go, I'm proud of you and I'm excited to meet you sometime after the exams. Good luck today!

Sincerely, The Gallant Toad Sage"

Naruto reread the letter a second time. After his second reading, the boy gave the letter another confused look.

"Who the hell wrote this? Who's 'The Gallant Toad Sage'? And how does he even know me?" Naruto mumbled to himself, trying to think of anyone that he knew that went by the title 'Gallant Toad Sage'.

True Potential By DryBonesKingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora