Part 8//Iwa Shinobi

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Disclaimer: My absence was actually me enacting a plan that would let me obtain the rights to the Naruto franchise. Sadly, the plan failed. I lack possession of a certain blonde-haired ninja and the world around him :( Oh well...I'll try again later!

Author's Note: I'm going to make this quick because you have people been waiting for an update for far too long. I am terribly sorry about the long break! :( Real life stuff came up, along with college requiring a lot more work. I'm sorry once again for making you all wait so long! :( However, I am back and better than ever! I'll be back on a better updating schedule! I promise :) Anywho...not keeping you guys any longer. Please read and enjoy it! :)

"Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Iwa jonin in charge of these genin. My name is Han."

Introductions were made quickly for the new figure, Han. The Konoha shinobi noticed that the man didn't seem to really care about their names, but they continued to introduce themselves. He waited patiently for them to finish before he started to speak.

"Well, with that taken care of, let's get down to business." Han declared as he pulled out a scroll and showed it to the group. "As you can see, we are the team assigned to escort the merchant, Yen, back to his home."

"Yes, I can see." Anko nodded. The woman, usually joking around and relaxed, was uncharacteristically serious and uneasy when speaking to the Iwa Jonin. "Our mission was to ensure our client's safety while we deliver him to you and your team. We can hand him over to your care, now, and complete the mission."

Naruto liked the sound of that. 'First C-Rank done dattebayo! That's one step closer to Hokage!' Other than his general excitement, he was also excited to leave the presence of the Iwa shinobi. He would miss Yen, but he'd be glad to get away from Iwa.

"Before you leave, though, I would like to make a request to you and your team." Han spoke up again.

Naruto's happiness faded away, replaced with confusion. His teammates looked at the man with similar confusion, wondering what the armor-clad shinobi could be wanting to request. Noticing their stares, he pointed to the sky. The sun was starting to set and it was starting to get darker.

"It's going to be night soon, and it would be unwise to travel late at night in the dark. Dangers lurk around, and when you are escorting someone, you want to make sure the client is always protected. We are going to camp here and I would like to request you all help in looking after Yen-San for this one night. After all, he is your client as well." Han informed the group.

His words caused an immediate negative reaction.

"No way!" Roto exclaimed angrily.

"Surely you are joking Han-Sensei! We can't stay with Konoha shinobi!" Risho shouted, just as angry as his teammate.

Naruto was about to shout back and defend his village but his words died on his tongue as Han started to speak again.

"I don't joke around. Are you two questioning my authority?" He asked the two male genin, turning his eyes towards them. His normal bitter, bored tone of voice picked up a hint of annoyance.

Roto flinched under his sensei's gaze and shook his head nervously. Risho, however, didn't appear to be effected by his sensei's questioning.

"No, I feel you are being rational as always sensei. However, they are Konoha! We can't trust them to watch over the merchant for longer than they have to! I also wouldn't put it past them to kill him now and then pin the blame on us!" He explained loudly.

'Between the four Iwa ninja, I wonder which one hates Konoha most.' Shikamaru thought sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Risho be quiet!" Han ordered.

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