Part 15//Forest From Hell

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Wazzzzzuuu I'm back btw this crusty laptop is back to die eventually once again

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. But I do own a copy of Pokémon X. I'm content with just that for now. I AM SO PLEASED WITH LIFE!

Author's Note: Slower update than planned...again. I'm really sorry about this :( Excuse this time is that college isn't going as smoothly as it should be this semester. But whatever. I'll live. And I'll still update as usual! :) Let's not waste any more time. Hope you all enjoy!

"It is now time! The second part of the Chūnin Exams starts now!" Kurenai's voice boomed throughout the area.

The gates surrounding Training Ground Forty-Four were opened. All genin teams rushed into the forest quickly.

Team Three went in and kept moving until they reached a good distance away from the entrance. They stopped in front of one of the multiple large trees in the forest and Shikamaru sat down and took out a few scrolls.

"Alright, this shouldn't take too long. I'm just going to make two or three false scrolls that we lose if we needed to...only they'll be loaded with explosive tags." Shikamaru stated with a smirk.

"Take your time!" Hinata stated as she activated her Byakugan to keep track of any teams that could come in and ambush them. She then turned to her crush. "Naruto-Kun?"

"Right." Naruto nodded in understanding before making a hand sign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Ten clones appeared from in front of the genin.

"Alright guys: search the forest and find a team with a heaven scroll. When you find one, report back to us and we'll hunt them down!" The Uzumaki ordered.

"Dattebayo!" The clones chorused in unison before heading out in different directions.

"Guess the exam is on." Shikamaru mumbled as he studied the outside of the earth scroll, trying to figure out he was going to recreate it.

Thirty minutes had passed since the exam began. In a clearing near on the gates, two teams had already found each other. Han's genin were standing next to each other, ready for battle. Across from them was a team from Amegakure. They were an all-male team. One member of the team, a tall guy with steel umbrellas on his back, stepped forward towards the Iwa team.

"You guys didn't even try to hide. You were waiting for us." He noted.

"We figured we didn't need to hide. Why waste the time looking for someone when you can just wait. Some team was going to find us and try and attack." Kurotsuchi explained, a grin on her face.

"I see. Makes sense. Guess it was just bad luck that we were the ones to find you all." The Ame genin said with a smirk as he held his hand out. "Why don't you guys hand over your scroll? We won't have to hurt you all this way."

"Hmph! Get a load of this guy." Risho snickered to himself. "We're being threatened by a genin from a minor village that's been going through civil war for years. This is rich! A Konoha team would actually be more threatening than you."

"What?" The Ame genin hissed.

"Shigure, kick his ass!" One of his teammates shouted. The other teammate nodded in agreement.

The guy, Shigure, nodded before he took an umbrella off from his back.

"You know, we almost went after a team from Suna instead, but I'm glad we went for you all. I'm going to enjoy taking that scroll from your corpse!" He hissed before tossing the umbrella into the air and making a hand sign. "Ninja Art: Senbon Shower!"

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