Part 4//Test And Revelations

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DISCLAIMER: I own a computer. I used it to write this chapter, as well as this disclaimer. What I don't own is Naruto. That is a really sad truth, though :(

Uzumaki Naruto woke up with a loud and obnoxious yawn from his sleep, if you could even call it sleep. Truth be told, he had been awake most of the night. He had been anxious about today.

'Today is the day. It's finally the day of the graduation test!' He thought as he continued to yawn.

The past two years, Naruto had taken the graduation exam and felt similar to how he did today. Those days, however, resulted in failure. He wasn't able to pass and ended up spending more years at the academy. Today, however, he felt more confident than the last two years. He knew he had improved from before. He was no longer the 'dead last' after all!

'I will do it today! I will become genin. I will become a shinobi and be once step closer to being Hokage dattebayo!' He mentally shouted.

Naruto rushed to get ready as fast as he could for the day. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and managed to eat something really quick that he could find in his apartment. He then hurried off to meet up with his friends and head off to the academy. The boy made sure to leave earlier than normal. He was not going to be late today of all days!

"As you all know, today is the day of the graduation exam. You've all been training so hard the past few years and more. It is now your time to show us what you have learned in order to become genin of Konoha!" Iruka informed the class.

Class had officially started. It was time for the graduation test. None of the studnets said a word, a rare moment. Everyone knew the importance of the day. They were all going to listen to every word Iruka said to make sure they graduate.

"Your test is divided into three parts. The first test is a written exam based on information I've taught over the years in the academy. The second part is a test on weapons and your accuracy and skill with them. The final test is a test on the required jutsu. You must be able to perform all three jutsu perfectly in order to pass that part of the test and graduate!" The scarred-chuunin explained.

Naruto could barely hide his excitement at this point. 'Oh, just wait till you guys see my clones!'

"We shall begin now. I shall pass out the tests. You may begin when you get your papers." Iruka spoke up again as he started to hand out papers to students.

Naruto immediately turned his head to Shikamaru and Chouji, who were sitting in the table behind him. He gave them a silent nod, wishing them good luck. Both boys returned his nod, wishing him the same. Naruto then turned his attention to Hinata, who was sitting next to him.

"Good luck Hinata!" He whispered to her, a large grin on his face.

Hinata felt her cheeks flush a little but was able to smile back and response. "Y-You as well Naruto-Kun!"

Eventually, all papers were passed out. The students went to work, starting to answer all the questions on their written exam. Iruka stood in the center of the room, watching of all his students. His eyes then moved over to Naruto, who was staring hard at one of the first questions.

' can do it this time!' Iruka thought to himself, wishing his secret-favorite student the best.

"It is now time for the third and final test. Please, come follow me out of the room and over to the examination area when I call your name. After you finish, whether you pass or fail, you will be asked to leave the building. You can wait for friends outside if you must. First up: Aburame Shino!" One of the academy instructors stated.

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