Part 12//The Need To Become Stronger

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Disclaimer: I own...well, what do I own? You all tell me! As a college student, what exactly do I own? Surely I don't own Naruto, but I must have something right?

Author's Note: Okay, my updating schedule is better now thankfully! I got the chapter out much quicker than I thought I would (less than a week! Geez!). Although I will say not to expect an update till at least next week's weekend. My finals are coming up, so I'll be focusing on them the second I submit this chapter!...or I should say, trying to focus on them. Ayup...this'll go swell...

Anyway, you guys didn't come here to listen to my rant on exams! You came for a chapter! And a chapter is what you will get. Enjoy :)

"Storm Style: Lighting Rain!"

"Shit! Everybody get out of here now!" Anko ordered her students.

Anko's words came too late. Blue lightning rained down from the sky and struck the four Konoha shinobi. All four members of Team Three screamed in pain before falling to the ground, blue static surrounding their bodies.

The four shinobi tried to get up, but found that they couldn't. The lightning had paralyzed their bodies.

"W-What? What the fuck?" Anko questioned as she struggled to get up.

"Give up. It's useless." Nasumareta replied nonchalantly as he approached the Konoha shinobi. "That technique of mine paralyzes anything it hits. Granted it's only for a short time, but you all will be dead before it fades."

"! Body, move dammit!" Anko ordered herself.

Nasumareta walked over slowly to Hinata and picked her up by her jacket. The girl started to cry. He wasted no time in stabbing the girl through the throat. The tears that had run down her eyes mixed with the blood dripping from her throat. He then tossed the corpse of the Hyūga heiress over to the side before walking up to Shikamaru.

"HINATA!" Anko screamed as she tried to get up again. "Y-You...stay away from my students!"

Shikamaru continued to struggle against his paralysis, but his efforts failed. Nasumareta grabbed him and impaled his lighting rod straight through the Nara's head.

"SHIKAMARU!" The tokubetsu jōnin screamed again.

Nasumareta then walked over slowly to Naruto. The blonde tried similarly to Shikamaru to get up, but he too failed and was grabbed by the former Kumo ninja. The boy was then stabbed straight through the heart before being tossed to the side.

"NO! NARUTO! NO!" Anko cried out.

Nasumareta walked slowly to Anko. The tokubetsu jōnin kept trying to get up, but her efforts were not working.

"G-God. DAMN YOU!" She hissed to the approaching figure.

The former Kumo shinobi grabbed the woman by her throat. His face then immediately changed. Instead of Nasumareta, Anko was now looking into the eyes of her former sensei, Orochimaru.

"I must say, Anko-Chan, I'm impressed. Even I wasn't able to kill off all my students. You really are a sensei beyond comparison!" Orochimaru taunted her student as he licked his lips with his snake-like tongue.

Anko didn't have time to react. Orochimaru had already stabbed her in the chest with the lightning rod. Her vision started to fade.

"AHH!" Anko let out a blood curling scream before she got up, her eyes completely wide.

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