Part 29-30

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Disclaimer: All the other disclaimers are cringy as shit so gotta make it new ,make it new so I don't seem like a one-trick *Foster The People Intensifies*

After attacking Gaara, the sand shield that surrounded him fell apart. The Suna genin staggered backwards in pain, still screaming. Naruto jumped backwards to put some distance between the two. He then focused his eyes solely on Gaara, waiting for the red-head to make a move and trying to decide how his next attack should go. His focus on Gaara was broken at the sound of an explosion. The Uzumaki turned his head in the direction of the noise and his eyes widened in fear.

"What... The..." Naruto was barely able to speak at the sight.

The explosion had occurred within the stands of the stadium. Most of the people were asleep and unable to do them. Only a few were awake. They were currently being engaged in combat by a group of Suna and Oto shinobi, all of whom were in uniform and equipped to do battle: as if they had planned to fight.

"What's happening-"

Naruto's thoughts were interrupted as he was forcefully knocked back further by a powerful gust of wind. He was sent flying into a nearby wall and winced in pain. The Sunagakure jōnin, Baki, had jumped down on to the battlefield where he had previously been, along with Temari and Kankurō.

"Dammit Gaara. He has no patience whatsoever." Baki grumbled to himself as he studied the condition of the jinchūriki. "He's useless like this... Temari! Kankurō!" Both Suna genin saluted the jōnin, showing him that he had their full attention. "Take him away from the stadium. Find some secluded place where he can calm himself down. Once he's recovered from his pain and shock, get out of there let him release Shukaku!"

"Yes sir!" Both Suna genin nodded as they grabbed their brother and picked him up.

Naruto pulled himself off the ground and recovered from the attack on him in time to see Temari and Kankurō use the shunshin to get themselves, and the dazed Gaara, out of the area.

"Captain Baki!" A Suna chūnin called out as he jumped down to the battlefield. "I've received word from the groups around the village. The invasion is underway in all areas of the village."

'Invasion? They're...' Naruto's eyes widened even further at the proclamation.

"Good." Baki nodded his head. "You... I have new orders for you, Daichi. Temari and Kankurō were tasked to assist with Gaara and get him somewhere safe so he can calm down. I'm worried they'll be ambushed. Join up with them and make sure they can complete their task."

"As you command." The Suna chūnin, Daichi, nodded as he vanished, using the shunshin as well.

Once his subordinate had left, Baki turned his attention towards Uzumaki Naruto. He noticed the blonde was now standing on his feet after being knocked away by his own wind-style ninjutsu. He seemed, for the most part, unharmed. The boy was also the reason for Gaara's current condition and actually managed to physically harm the red-head, a task that some shinobi in Suna considered impossible. With that in mind, the Suna jōnin glared at the boy as he started making hand signs rapidly.

"While you did manage to impress me with your little battles today so far, especially with Gaara, I'm afraid you're on the wrong side." Baki commented coldly. "Don't take this too personally. Just die!"

Baki immediately finished his hand signs and released a large gust of hurricane-like winds directly towards Naruto. The blonde had prepared to jump away in time before the attack struck him, but the wind was intercepted before it could reach him. The proctor for the exam, Shiranui Genma, had jumped in the way and deflected the wind with an earth-style ninjutsu, creating a giant pillar from the ground that stopped Baki's attack.

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