Part 5//Team Formation

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Disclaimer: I wish I had something witty to write in this disclaimer other than I don't own Naruto. I don't have anything to say though :(

Author's Note: A few days behind schedule, but not too bad of a wait I hope! I hope the chapter was worth it! :)

I also would like to point out something: the Konohamaru part of the story was skipped, considering in my story's universe, it happened exactly as it did in canon. So no need to rewrite it :) more waiting! Let's begin! Hope you enjoy :D

"From this day forward, you are all genin of Konoha. As one of your academy teachers, I just want to let you all know how proud I am of you." Iruka admitted to the class with a smile on his face. "You've all done excellent in your studies and training. I believe with all my heart that this may be one of the finest classes Konoha has ever produced, and I can't wait to see what extraordinary shinobi you all become!"

Nearly every student in the classroom smiled at their now-former sensei's words. Naruto was grinning more than anyone else, however.

'Finally...I really am a ninja now! Finally!' He thought to himself excitedly.

"Now, I'm going to start reading off the team names! Pay attention carefully, cause I will not repeat!" Iruka informed everyone. "Now...Team One..."

Everyone tried hard to pay attention to Iruka's words. It proved too difficult, however, to listen to every name that was called. Everyone seemed to only notice when their name was called or when their friends were called.

" Team Three!" Iruka continued reading. "Uzumaki Naruto..."

Naruto lifted up his head and started to pay attention.

"...Hyuga Hinata..." The chuunin continued.

'Yes!' Naruto cheered inwardly, grinning even larger. 'I at least got one of my friends on my team. And it's Hinata of all people! This is amazing dattebayo!'

Hinata's thoughts were less coherent, but even more excited. 'Naruto-Kun and I are on the same team? Naruto-Kun and I are on the same team! HE'S ON MY TEAM!' Her mind repeated the same words over and over again, each time getting faster and louder. Her thoughts were a strong contrast to her outward reaction, which was merely a silent, but large, smile and a rather red blush.

"...and Nara Shikamaru!" Iruka concluded.

"HELL YEAH!" Naruto couldn't hold in his thoughts any longer. "The top three shinobi here! We are so going to kick ass!"

"Naruto-baka, shut up! Some of us are trying to concentrate here!" Sakura shouted, not trying to hide her annoyance.

Naruto really didn't care that she insulted him: he was just too happy. He was on a team with Hinata AND Shikamaru. This was everything he had hoped for! 'We really are going to be the best damn team in Konoha dattebayo!'

Hinata, too, was pleased at this revelation. Although she was still more excited about being partnered up with Naruto, she really did like Shikamaru. He became a great and important friend to her and their friendship was growing each day. She was excited to know that he would be joining her and Naruto on the same team.

Shikamaru, although pleased, was very shocked at the team's reveal. 'I could have sworn they would have put me on a team with Chouji and Ino. Our parents' teamwork was legendary and our parents even mentioned talking to Hokage-Sama about purposely recreating the team through us! Not that I'm going to complain: I work well with Naruto and Hinata! Just wondering, what could have changed his mind...'

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