Part 18//Preliminaries

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Disclaimer: Kishimoto owns Naruto. As much as we wished, I do not. much as I wish it. You all probably wish that you owned Naruto. So we all kinda have the same wish. This probably could be a plot for some random anime and we'd all be rivals. That...would go over well XD

Author's Note: I had intended on updating over Christmas break...but I got busy. Lots of family and stuff kinda interrupted my plans for writing. I'm sorry everybody! :( But I got the time now! And here's the next chapter. Enjoy! :)

"A preliminary exam? The hell?" Kiba asked.

Most of the twenty-four genin had similar concerns. They were all confused about what was happening.

"According to exam protocol, we are...ahem...required to have a preliminary exam if the number of participants goes over a certain limit." Hayate explained before he went into a coughing fit. He waited until he finished coughing before continuing to speak. "Ahem...sorry about that. Anyway, as Hokage-sama said, many important guests and potential clients will be attending the exams, so we will do our best to ensure that they are fast-paced and intense. Therefore we will have a preliminary exam right now."

"What? Now?" Ino shrieked.

"Yes. Now." The exam proctor affirmed. "If this is an issue to anyone, you can walk away and leave the exam. From this point, the Chūnin Exams will be based on the individual, so a team will not be disqualified if one member has to leave."

Naruto turned to his two teammates. The three friends gave each other a look. All three would stay and compete.

"Excuse me. I'll walk out then."

All genin turned to face the voice. Yakushi Kabuto was rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Kabuto-san, you are leaving?" Sakura asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah. I have some injuries from the forest that I need to get treated." He answered with a frustrated sigh. "I don't think I could handle another exam right now. My health is more important. Guess I'll just have to try again next time."

"Yakushi Kabuto, of Konoha's team nineteen?" Hayate questioned the silver-haired genin. The genin nodded in response. "Very well then. You are free to go."

Kabuto immediately broke formation and started to walk away. The genin in the room stared at him as he left. Some were staring in shock and others in disbelief that somebody would have to quit the chūnin exams after coming so far. A few, however, were looking at him with suspicion for that reason.

'So that's the seventh time that guy failed?' Naruto wondered as he narrowed his eyes. 'I don't get! He just quit before even hearing what the preliminary exam was like! He could maybe have done it, no matter what injuries he has! Is he not even trying to pass?'

Shikamaru was wondering the same thing. His eyes turned to focus on one of the Oto genin's: a black-haired boy that had his arms wrapped up in a sling. 'That guy's still competing with two broken arms. And Kabuto, who seems physically fine, quits and fails the exams. Again.' He closes his eyes in thought. 'That guy...there's something going on with him.'

Silence filled the room as Hayate waited to see if anyone else would quit. It soon became apparent that no one else would.

"If no one else is planning on leaving, then...ahem...I'll explain the rules of the preliminary exam. It will be series of one versus one fights." Hayate explained as he pointed a finger upwards towards a large screen on the ceiling. "That screen will display two names at random. When your name is shown, you will fight against the other person chosen. The winner will move on to the third exam and the loser will fail." Hayate's explanation was interrupted by another cough. "...there will be twelve matches in total. Since there is an odd number of you, the twelfth match will be between the person who hasn't fought yet and one person chosen at random from the winners of the previous eleven matches."

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