Part 13//Foreigners And Exams

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Disclaimer: I've been making money and saving it. I'm just a few steps closer to buying the rights to Naruto from Masashi Kishimoto. For now, he has it. But just you wait...

Author's Note: ...I had hoped to get this up sooner. I'm sorry about making you all wait :( At least my excuse is (kind of) legitimate: I got a job! :D Bussing tables and washing stuff. Hey, it gets me money for food at college, so I can't complain about that :)

So yeah...there's your dose of my life for now! Now, let's get back to what you came here for. Hope you all enjoy :)

The three genin students stood in front of their sensei, panting heavily. The team had just went through another rough day of training and were now awaiting whatever orders Anko would give them now.

"Brats, aren't you all used to this already? You guys shouldn't be so tired!" Anko laughed.

"Used to it...kind of. Doesn't change that it's physically exhausting." Shikamaru pointed out between breaths.

"Eh, whatever." Anko shrugged. "Although, despite the fact that you guys shouldn't be so tired, I will say you all are making great progress. I can tell you guys are getting tougher. And by now, I can say that the jutsus I've been working with each of you in your private sessions and the jutsus we've been working on together are pretty much spot on now. You've all made noticeable progress, so good job."

Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru gave their sensei a wide smile despite their heavy breathing.

"So yeah, why not you guys take a break. Relax. No missions for today." Anko informed them, a smile on her face as well. "Besides, I got something I need to do today as well."

"What?" Hinata asked for the group.

"Hmm..." Anko put her finger to her lips.

"Just tell us!" Naruto demanded, giving his sensei a dirty look.

", whatever. Sure." The snake summoner shrugged. "Basically, the Chūnin Exams are coming up in less than a week. I'm supposed to go to a meeting and say if I think you all are ready to take it."

All three genin stared at their sensei in shock and anticipation. The three of them seemed to no longer be tired.

"...and? Are you recommending us?" Naruto asked.

"Well...most likely. In the end, the decision belongs to you guys. But I'll give you all the permission to take it because quite frankly, you all can take it." Anko stated.

"Heh! Awesome!" Naruto cheered excitedly. "Once we pass, we'll be chūnin! That's one step closer to being Hokage!"

Hinata smiled, both at her crush's excitement and at her sensei's words.

"...troublesome." Shikamaru mumbled. Unlike his friends, he wasn't as excited about the exam due to all the work involved with it. "Don't most genin have at least a year of training before they take it? I don't think many rookies take the exam."

"Most don't take it the first time, but I know plenty of teams back in the day who took it fresh out of the academy." Anko responded. "Besides, I proctored the exam the last time it came to Konoha so I kind of know what it takes to get through the exam here and I believe you all are ready. Trust me: I wouldn't give you permission to do it if I didn't think that you guys could do it. I'll honestly be shocked if you can't get to the third stage of the exam"

The three genin members of Team Three looked at their sensei with shock evident in their face. They were surprised at how much faith she had in them.

"...if you say so." Shikamaru replied, a smirk now on his face. 'Maybe this won't be that bad.'

"We won't let you down Anko-Sensei dattebayo!" Naruto shouted with a grin on his face. "Now, get on over to your meeting and recommend us!"

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