Part 7// C-Rank: Journey To Tenchi Bridge

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Disclaimer: I'm beginning to work on a genius plan that would give me ownership of Naruto. Until it works, I do not own the series. Having said that, I will update you on my plan's progress and will notify you when it works! :D

Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru stood in front of the gates of Konoha. The three members of Team Three were sporting backpacks and extra weaponry for their first C-Rank mission, and first time out of the village. They were all anxiously awaiting for their first 'true' mission to begin, with Naruto being the most excitement.

'My first time out of the village, my first real mission...this is going to be an awesome few days dattebayo!' The boy cheered inwardly, almost jumping up and down in place due to excitement.

This excitement soon changed to irritation after a few minutes passed. There sensei and client were nowhere to be found.

"...Anko-Sensei should be here by now, right?" Naruto asked his friends. "I mean she came to my house and told me 'Be here at 8:00 in the morning, or suffer the consequences!' So where is she?"

"I have no clue..." Hinata admitted with a sigh.

"Troublesome...I actually woke up early today for this and she doesn't even show up on time..." Shikamaru complained.

Minutes soon turn into an hour. It was at this point of irritation that Anko finally showed her face. She was accompanied by a short, rather large man who looked to be in his late thirties. He was wearing black pants and a large, expensive-looking blue shirt that had the kanji for 'respect' on the back. The man was also wearing a blue hat that covered most of his short blonde hair. He also was carrying two packs on his back that seemed full.

Anko didn't get the chance to speak before Naruto started to shout.

"Where the crap have you been sensei?" He asked.

Anko was about to respond but was cut off by the man that was walking with her.

"I am terribly sorry, Konoha shinobi. I am sad to say that it was my fault that we were late." The man bowed his head in apology. He had a very eloquent way of speaking. "When Anko-Sama came to pick me up for the meeting, I was still fast asleep. I had forgotten the time from our conversation yesterday, so she in fact woke me up. I had to prepare for the day right then and there, which I failed to do quickly! I am terribly sorry!"

Naruto blinked in response.

"I-It's fine sir. N-No need to a-apologize for a s-simple mistake." Hinata informed him.

"Er, yeah. No problem at all. I understand!" Naruto informed the man with a smile. Truth be told, that sounded like something he would do. Granted he wouldn't say it so 'wordy', but the point still remains.

'I'm jealous...' Shikamaru noted, upset he didn't have the luck of oversleeping.

Mitarashi Anko cleared her voice, getting everyone's attention.

"Well, brats, you just heard the man. That's why we are late leaving." She stated rather bluntly, irritation evident, before pointing towards the man next to her. "Anyway, this is our client: Yen. In case you all forgot, he is a merchant from Tsuchi no Kuni and it is our job to escort him to the Tenchi Bridge and deliver him to Iwa shinobi, who will escort him home."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all!" Yen spoke up, interrupting the purple-haired woman again. "This is your genin team, correct?"

"...yes. Yes it is." She responded, her face starting to get red from annoyance. "Anyway! We've wasted some daylight, so let's hurry up and get out of here!"

True Potential By DryBonesKingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें