-Chapter 23- Protection

Start from the beginning


"We divide it by 6 times." One student said. 

"Exactly. We divide it by 6 times. We still have another step to do. Can anyone guess what?" The teacher said. Nora then babbled. 

"What she said." The teacher said. The class laughed. We moved onto the next question. Nora would sit either on my lap or Neji's lap. Sometime she would sleep in her carrier. 


I was feeding Nora yogurt. I was sitting with my friends. 

"Your such an amazing mother..." Sakura said.

"Thank you. It was hard at first but then I managed it." I said. Nora finished eating and kept staring at Temari. She wanted Temari, so she whined. I gave Nora to Temari. 

"Hey there! How are you doing?" Temari talked to Nora, who babbled and grabbed Temari's Nose. 

"...Geez... Since when was there a baby?... I didn't know Tenten was a slut..." Someone said. I heard it. I ignored them and continued my conversation with my friends.


The class was playing basketball. I was at the bleacher playing with Nora. Nora then looked at Neji who was playing. She squealed like she was cheering for Papa. 

I was busy feeding Nora some crackers. Then a ball bumped on the hoop and was about to hit Nora. My mother instinct alerted me and I quickly grabbed Nora and pulled her away. Then Shikamaru got in front of me. He knocked the ball away.

"You two alright?"  Shikamaru asked. 

"Hai.. ariagato." I said. Then Nora began crying. It must have startled her. 

"Hey Hey...shh... shh... Your okay." I said trying calming Nora. 

"Shit... We are so dead.." The 2 boy said. I looked and I noticed all of my friends was glaring at the 2 boys. I could sense a huge fire burning from Neji. He was pissed.

"Hey Nora? Your okay. I saved you and your mama." Shikamaru smiled. Nora cried even more. She didn't quite know Shikamaru. 

"Ah... Troublesome.." Shikamaru sighed. I saw Neji scorning the 2 boys. I couldn't do much about that. I then looked at Nora. She saw me smile and her cries was going away. I distracted her with one of her toys. 

"Your okay... Its fine... the ball scared you didn't it?" I softly said. Nora then finally calmed down. I then gave Nora a pacifier. She then slowly dozed off. I sighed.


I was sitting holding Nora. She was sleeping in my arms. I was working on my Math worksheet. While I was working, I heard someone talking quietly. 

"Can't believe she had a baby... must be a pain." One Girl said. 

"I bet she will have to put her child up for adoption." The other girl said. 

"Probably, also... How the hell did one of the strongest, handsome, smart man end up fucking a girl? Not to mention that he is from the Hyuga family. tch... I would have been a better girlfriend for him. Can't believe a retarted slut took Neji away from me." One girl said. 

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