Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Important business

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Chapter 29: Important business

"What do you mean he already know?" He asked, and you could not help to feel a bit uneasy. It was usual for you to be feeling a bit worried with the household, but Namjoon made you think something worst, a gut feeling about him.

It was always something about Namjoon that made you want to stay away from him, it was bearable even with your gut-clenching every time you talk to the man, he was hiding something, something more prominent than the one he was supposed to tell.

You would have thought he would have at least slip something unnoticed, but it seems like the shield he has was building much thicker than the others. It looks like the others in this house was just a brick wall as he was hiding in a bomb shelter.

"He might look worried, his façade for you, but he was so calm Yoongi like Namjoon was testing my patience, and he was taunting me, I might indeed have eavesdropped on their conversation, but he looks like he knows the killer was bound to go loose," you said, and he listens.

"Well, Namjoon being fishy is something that we all are used too," He said," But he's high on information, we get him we get information."

"Yes, we get him also mean we get killed Yoongi, we need to find his right-hand man," you said, right now Namjoon is your target he's fishier than ever, and you know you'll never going to find anything from him, so you go to the next best thing.

"I'm going to pester Jimin, might not work but wish me luck," you told Yoongi who raises his eyebrows.

"You're going to try to pester Jimin in saying anything then I would say you're crazy, he's more observant than Namjoon, why do you think he's Namjoon's, right-hand man?" He said," face it, if you're trying to find anyone, you'll need to exclude those two."

"Why you don't think I can do it?"

"No, I know you can I don't doubt you for that, I'm not sure if you can overcome what he'll do to you if he's pissed," He said," you don't want him mad, trust me."

"Why he doesn't look like he could kill anyone, he's quiet and all," you said, and he nods his head as he cackles laughter.

"That's enough reason why you need to be careful."

You look at Yoongi who was reluctant in you asking Jimin, you were about to question him when you heard the door knock and in instinct, you hide behind Yoongi.

The door opens and speaks of the devil, there Jimin came strutting inside the room with Jungkook. Jungkook who saw you smile excitingly he came forward you, and you couldn't help to step back.

Jimin who saw this instantly took Jungkook's hands, and Jungkook looks back to Jimin before looking at their intertwined hands.

"She's still afraid, don't do anything," Jimin said," I meant it."

Jungkook who was still looking at Jimin then once again looked down to his intertwined hands and shrugs as he tugs his hand away from Jimin, a bit harsh that is.

You couldn't help to see at Jimin expression, and something clicks in your mind, bingo.

"I'm glad you're alright! Namjoon hyung told me what happened and I came as fast as I can when he told me you were awake, I was ecstatic to see you here in one piece," He chuckles, "I can't have my –"

"Jungkook... why are you here," Yoongi snap and Jungkook looks at him pouting.

"I'm just here making sure everyone's alright, and Hoseok wanted her back to her feet, he wants to practice the new dance move he had made," Jungkook shrug," He wanted it to be spectacular."

Yoongi who looks at Jungkook could only hum, and he seems at Jimin who was silently standing behind Jungkook, and an idea pops inside his head.

"Jimin, you need to check –" he grabs your hand suddenly, and you wince at his harsh tug –" told me it was hurting."

"Yoongi what are you –"

"Isn't that right? You wanted to ask Jimin to check, but you were embarrassed," he looks at your eyes, and you look at Jimin and then finally understand.

I won't let you down.

You nod your head as you hold your hand," I think I might have sprained it while running."

"Okay." He nonchalantly said," Come."

He begins to turn back, and he looks at Jungkook, the once cold façade he had put was suddenly washed away when he looks at Jungkook who was not paying single attention to him as Jungkook's eyes were onto you.

I begin walking with Jimin, looking Yoongi eyes as he looks at Jungkook.

Jimin was about to open the door when he looks back.

"Jungkook... are you joining me later for –"

"I'll think about it later Jimin, I have other stuff to do with Namjoon hyung," He looks at Jimin, "you should go ahead first, don't want for me."

"But... you –"

"Well I have much more important things to do Jimin, you know me, we'll be able to do it next time."

A/N: Yikes... the tension between Jimin and Jungkook is nerve wrecking, poor jiminie he wanted to do it with jungkook.

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