Chapter 60

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Chapter 60: Fake Love

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Chapter 60: Fake Love

Jimin didn't stop running. It terrifies him to know what had happened back then. He didn't know if leaving Yoongi like that was a good idea either. He knows everything he had done was going to cause his downfall.

But maybe if he did something good for once, the heavens would be forgiving, and he was allowed to redeem himself for what he had done. But he knows for what he had done. Everything was for a reason.

It was love.

The sweet and intoxicating of love was addicting, and he couldn't help to slip every time he tries to get out. He was addicted to this fake love. He had been fantasising about it for years. He knows he couldn't go back to the past, but maybe you could be his answers.

Despite living in glooming halls, and the constant fake love, he saw the light for the first time in his life. He saw you. He saw how life had a continuous trying you. Jimin laughed at your face when he saw you trying to live as if he knows your death was timed. He had even seen your nightmares constantly trying to pry your mind and body.

He had seen how many times the devil had tried to knock on your door, and what astonished him is you were different from what he had thought you had become.

He was used to knowing that he had fallen into the devils' trap was something an everyday thing. Jimin was trying to slip his way up, and Jimin knows he was going to drown. But you were different.

As he was trying to run away, he was desperate to run away from what had grabbed him, but you were embracing the darkness. Instead of endlessly running away as he did, you were walking to it. The devil quails in your presences.

So instead of knocking on the door, you had the devil trap.

He observed how you had fought every battle, the constant push and pull, the continuous treads, they could make someone go crazy. If he didn't know better, it would have killed him.

"Jimin..." you try catching your breath, "Do we need to run again? I – I – the explosion the – fire."

"I'm going to need you -you to listen to me, alright?" Jimin was stuttering. His body could stop shaking as he tries to push you away.

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