Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: The Fight

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Chapter 6: The Fight

'Huh... it seems like someone hasn't been for a while,' you said as you look the massive room which leads to dozens of other openings.

'It seems so love,' he was also observing the place and started to frown, you couldn't help to see his deadly expression but the moment he looks at you he smiles,' hold on for a second will you, I'm going to go somewhere, you're free to roam, just be careful not to touch anything.'

'Of course, I'll be lurking around here, I'm afraid I could get lost.'

He chuckles,' wouldn't be the first time.'

You were amazed, the whole place was filled with paintings and statues, you wouldn't mind staying in here all day to see the arts if it wasn't for the dark aura in the whole place.

You could guess that no one comes here at all, despite the beautiful arts, it was so dusty here and a musky smell in the place.

Taehyung was letting you roam, while he walks to another direction of the room.

Walking around the place it was time to look for clues, the journal writer state that pages will be hidden throughout the whole place, it could be anywhere, and the writer seems smart they could it anywhere, so there will be a good start.

Checking out on Taehyung, making sure that he was not around you begin to search the place. You were walking around observing the paintings when you realize something, a red ribbon.

Happily you begin walking to the painting, but there was a problem, it was not a real red ribbon, it was a painting of a red ribbon in the hands of the man in the painting while he was pointing to a certain direction.

Another direction, could the writer be telling something?

After looking at the direction of the painting it was leading to one of the statues, and following to another statue, seven statues pointing at a certain direction and you could see that it was pointing to a certain room.

Walking into the room you walk to see the room was empty only what it seems like a covered painting.

Curious you step forward to open the painting. You walk forward when suddenly you were pulled back. To see Taehyung's furious face.

'What do you think you're doing?' Taehyung was dragging you outside of the room,' I told you not to fucking touch, right!?'

'I was trying to-'

'Why can't your thick head just listen? I told you not to touch!' he was literally shouting at you and you cower back.

'I'm so sorry-'

'What do you gain from not listening? What the fuck were you doing there, what are you trying to find?!' his deadly eyes looks at you in a malicious way.

You step back as you try to glare at him back,' well what the fuck are you hiding?'

Hearing that he stops, apparently, Taehyung's shout was loud enough to resonate half of the building, so seconds later came running Jimin and Namjoon with Seokjin trailing behind them.

Looking at your cowering body and Taehyung's raging stare it was clear something was wrong. He could have scolded you nicer since technically you didn't touch anything, whatever painting that was, it was hiding something and you need to open it no matter what.

'What happened here?' Jimin walks to you as he held you to stand; you didn't realize your trembling feet had dragged you down.

'Taehyung! What the hell were you thinking? If you can't handle it then don't!'

'Well, she shouldn't have touched what shouldn't be touch!'

'Well, she's important you fuck! You could have hurt her again!'

'Fuck you, Park-'

'Enough!' the whole place was silence after the constant shouts of the two as Namjoon's voice resonate throughout the place and Seokjin looking behind Namjoon.

'Taehyung get your act together in front of your wife, she's the one who is in need of help and you look like you're the sick one and could be thrown in a mental asylum! Do you want that?' Namjoon deadly stare was enough to make Taehyung's eye cower in fear.

'And you!' pointing to a frustrated Jimin,' you're older so act like one! Do you want me to sew your lips together, incompetent bastard?' Namjoon raging breath was all that you can hear.

You had never seen Namjoon so furious, well you never saw them so frustrated about something since you've been here. This is the first and it's about you.

The room was so tense and it felt like an hour when someone spoke.

'Namjoon, Taehyung's wife is here, it would not be good if she stays here, Let me get her out of here.' Seokjin's gentle voice was heard next and Namjoon nodded without looking.

'Good, go to the west wing and wait there.'

'I have unfinished business with these two brainless people.'

Seokjin quickly bows to Namjoon and grabs you out of the room.

You were carried by Seokjin who was very quiet, you were trying to absorb all of the information you got. Something is definitely wrong with those three and a little reminder to yourself, you shouldn't get to close to Taehyung, husband or not.

'I'm very sorry you had to see that, Taehyung's a good guy, please don't be scared of him.'

You scoff at the thought,' yeah, a good guy who was about to kill me.' Seokjin's shoulders tense on your statement.

'He is... he just has anger issues and all, Namjoon's not making it better.' He mutters the last part.

Settling you down, he opens the door of the place, a study room.

'I'm leaving you here for a moment, this is Jimin's studies, I need to check on them first, I'm afraid they might kill each other by accident.'

Your eyes widen as Seokjin puts in the room.

'You're going to put me in here?' he looks at you and smirks.

'Well, wouldn't you like to explore the place.'

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