(#43) Wedding Preparations.

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Just how can he tell that to me?

I mean, not like I don't like it.

But still, he must filter his words.

Lady, stick on to one choice. My Inner Conscience told me.

Why are you interfering between my thoughts? Who gave you the rights too? I asked my I.C.

I queuing up for the right to invade your thoughts is like a HouseMaster queuing for the right to get in his own house. My I.C told.

I didn't bother fighting him. He was partially true anyway.

Partially? Then please enlighten me of the partial which I am wrong. My I.C told me.

I don't want to talk to you. I have pretty much better jobs to do. I said.

Like what? My I.C asked me.

Like, studying accountancy and finance, budget management, medicine, Grecian Mathematics et cetera. I said.

Aren't you already well-versed in accountancy, finance and budget management? Your medical skills are increasing by thousands within a day. Same for your mathematical skills. My I.C told me.

I am the child of Aesther. Perfection is not a luxury, it is a necessity. I said.

Lol, kid. Big words are coming out of that mouth. I.C.

Whatever. Please, leave me alone. I said and I didn't hear anything more from it.

Good gracious. It knows how to listen.

I then kept my pen down on the papyrus, leaned back on my chair with my face facing the ceiling and closed my eyes.

I then thought about everything that happened within the half month.

Lindon gave me a new guard. I refused at first. But then considering all the advantages I started having him around me.

And him protecting me, is the least one. With him around me, I can make sure that a legal recorder is there whenever Maylene is near me.

I also use him as an excuse to being cold to Maylene.

Also a type of invisible shield. Knowing that he is sent from Lindon, I will always have a peace of mind around him.

These days, Maylene had been calling me to a number story-writing games.

And I have thought that guard on how to respond to that letter always.

Whenever she brings the same content, the guard will stop her telling that it is inappropriate.

But the last time she did it, the guard had gone to report to Lindon, so he could not object.

And yes, I ended up writing. But I discarded it by throwing it in the dustbin.

Maylene surely wouldn't stoop that low, right?

I then scolded myself. Won't stoop that low? Then, she wouldn't have chosen her best friend's lover as her husband, and also not through such a... dirty manner.

Anyway, let us just hope that, she didn't come across that letter. I thought, sighing.

"May I come in, My Lady?" I heard Belle's voice and a smile automatically crept upon my face.

"Yes, please do." I said.

She came inside with a tea tray. She then set down the tea on my study table.

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