(#84) Marriage

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Today is a special day.

A festive day.

A day to be remembered.

For the citizens and the other Houses of Avalon, that is.

For me, it was a day to finish by crying, thinking, and of course, swearing a lot too.


It is the day, Lindon gets married to Velena.

The day, the last strand holding us together gets severed.

True, I was very sad. But the person who was in a worse state than me was my Father.

I can use some excuse like, newly in power, many things to arrange and can sit back at cry all day.

But Father has to maintain a strong image of House Aesther and Avalon as a whole.

He has to bow to the next ruler that he would rule, with strong emotions rebelling inside him.

He has to smile and hug me, telling me it's alright when he has the wrath to kill the entire royal family of Avalon.

And the next conflicting part was of the gift that we should give to the newly wedded couple.

A Burma ruby ring, embedded in a silver chain.

Sitting on the windowpane and gazing at the moon, I could still remember the time he gave me.

It was on a night he sneaked out from the palace and came to Aesther Household.

After a series of 'events', he picked me up and went to the windowpane, made me sit down there, and told me,

"Anastasia, making the moon the witness, I shall pledge my love to you." He said and kissed me.

Suddenly, I felt a cold sensation on my neck.

Only when I looked down at my neck, I saw the necklace he put on me. A Burma ruby ring, embedded in a silver chain.

I heaved a sigh as the only thing that lasted for me and that necklace was memories.

After a long series of conflicts, of giving it or not as a present, I came to a conclusion.

Marriage is a new beginning. Or, the real beginning. A path of loyalty, respect, and love.

Maybe, this is what the heavens want.

After all, I can't have everything, can I?

Did I escape the death of my previous life just to find a comfortable life in the second?

Seems like, I need to sacrifice something big, in order to get something big. Only then, can the scale be balanced.

Since it is his marriage, I can't hold him back. After tonight, he will not be mine anymore.

On this wedding eve, the King will do the coronation of Lindon.

Soon, after some hours pass, what remains of our feeling, will be reduced into simple memories.

But there is something good in every bad that comes to us.

Now, my focus will not waver.

I can be the Heiress of Aesther Household with ease, and serve the next King.

When God closes one door, he opens another.

And it seems like I just found my other.


Note For the Readers

I know I haven't uploaded in a while and I am really sorry. I will upload the next chapters with more sincerity.

Don't forget to vote comment, and follow.

Till then,

Je Vous Aimez💕💕

Last updated on 19/03/2021

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