(#38) Reveal

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"Ana." My Father interrupted my thought, again.

"Come to the garden. I have something very important to talk with you." Father said.

"Behind you, Father." I said and got up and followed Father.

We both walked towards the garden.

"What is it that you want to talk about, Father?" I asked.

"It is about the thing we talked about, back at Helda." Father said.

"Oh." That was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

~~Back at Helda~~

"Father, there is something, very important, I am afraid, that I have to tell to you." I said, as we were walking in the garden.

"What is it? It seems important." Father said.

"Because it is." I said.

"What is the matter, Ana?" Father asked, growing concerned. He came to me.

"Father... I..." I didn't know what to tell, after mustering up courage that brought me till here.

"It is alright, Ana. We have all the time in the world. You can take your time." Father said.

"No Father. It has to be now. It must." I said.

"Then, what is it?" Father asked.

"Father," I said and took in a deep breathe.

"I messed up the time cycle." I said.

"You messed up what?" Father asked, confused.

"Time cycle, Father. I am actually supposed to be in the Future, but then something happened, and on one fine day, um... night actually, I found myself on the bed, back to when I am seventeen.

Actually, I am not complaining, because, if I was left in the future, I might have been dead meat already, and not only me, Father, you and Belle too. Just because of my carelessness." I said and slammed my palms to my face.

Suddenly, Father hugged me.

"It is alright dear. You must have gone through a lot of internal conflicts to tell me that. It must have been very hard. And you also had the worry that will I believe it or not." Father said.

"I am not going to lie. I did." I said.

"I know, dear. After all, it is a human thing." Father said.

"I... have something that I want to ask." Father said. "What is it?" I asked.

"You said you came from the past, right?" Father asked and I nodded. "Then I have a question to ask." Father said.

"What is it?" I asked. "Is your time travel having any relationship with you falling into the pond?" Father asked.

"Well, falling into the pond was my carelessness. It happened in my last life too. But it was the mode by which my soul from my past life entered this one." I said.

"Oh." Father said.

"How did you know that?" I asked. "You became an entirely different girl after that incident." Father said.

"That is true. I got many similar comments." I said. "Yeah, I guessed it." Father said.

I then told me the whole fiasco.

"It is alright. Everything will be fine. You have changed. That's all that matters for now." Father said and I nodded.

~~Present Time~~

"Oh, what about it, Father?" I asked.

"I thought a lot about it." Father said. I kept quiet. I felt like there was more to it.

"But seeing your reaction with Maylene and Louis, you were really... normal in their terms." I said.

"Father, how can I accomplish my aim, if I go on shouting and grumpy with fumes coming out of my ears and nose?" I asked, smiling.

"True." Father said, smiling.

"There is also another thing." Father said. "What is it?" I asked.

"Have you thought about the thing I asked?" Father asked.

Shit, there is that too.

~~On our way to Helda~~

"Stop near the temple." Father gave instructions and an approving noise was heard from the horseman.

"What is the matter, Father?" I asked, carefully placing Belle's head which was on my lap to the seat.

"There is something that I need to tell you. And that place would create the best atmosphere." Father said and I nodded.

After a while, we reached.

We both got out. After some wild trees and bushes, we saw the church.

"So, it's this?" I asked and Father nodded.

We both got inside. We then prayed for a while. Then we both got up and drew the Cross.

"Ana." Father called.

"17 years back, when you were just a child, a newborn baby, I, your mother and you came to this very church." Father said.

My heart started beating rapidly. We hardly talk about Mother.

"I am really sorry, but," Father was starting to get anxious. "What is the matter, Father?" I asked, starting to get worried too.

"At that time, it wasn't just three of us. King Adelouis, his wife, Alice, who is Lindon's mom and Lindon, who was then a three year old, was also present." Father said.

I started getting confused.

Where is he getting to?

"I really hope that you won't be angry with me." Father said.

"Father, you are really making me anxious. If there is any problem, just tell me, we will deal with it together." I said, keeping my hands on his shoulder.

"I... we... me and Adel... engaged both of you." Father said.

"Both of you... as in..." I was too shocked to complete.

"Yes. You and Lindon." Father said.

"Oh My-" Father cut me off.

"You don't have to tell anything now. Take time and think about it."

~~Back to present~~

"You thought about it?" Father asked.

"I have the same answer as I was about to say that day." I said.

"Which is ..?" Father asked.

"An enemy who will fight us head on, is always better than a hypocrite, who stabs from behind." I said. 


Special Note for Readers

I am really sorry for not updating for these past days. 

And I am also thanking these 2.2k readers.

So please, vote and comment on my stories. 

So, till next time, 

Luv Y'all💕💕

Last updated on - 24-9-2020

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