(#41) A New Friend

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And the restrained beast in us was unshackled.

Everything was going in perfect harmony, until-

"Sir Lin! Lady Aesther!" We heard someone calling for us.

Great! Just Great!

We both separated ourselves.

But our breathings were still wild.

Suddenly, Lindon came in closer to me. What is this guy doing?

"Don't you dare think that this is over." He said, whispering in my ears.

What do you mean? Was what I wanted to ask, But you see, when you let your desires take control, something like this will come out.

"As you say, Your Highness Crown Prince Lindon." I said.

"Your Highness Crown Prince Lindon?" He asked, eyebrows twitching.

"That is something that everyone will call me. I want you to call me something else." Lindon said.

I thought for a while.

"What about... My Lord?" I asked.

"My Lord? Innocent on the outside. But dominative on the inside. I... like it. Very much." Lindon said.

"I am glad you like it, My Lord." I said and he smirked.

"Sir Lin! Lady Aesther!" That soldier finally found us.

"What is the matter?" Sir Lin asked him in quite an irritated tone.

"Uh... His Highness called both of you to the Imperial Hall." The Soldier said.

"It must be quite important then." I said. "True." Lindon agreed with me.

As we were nearing the Imperial Hall, that Amster kid came and held me.

"You know him?" Lindon asked me with raw jealousy.

I couldn't help but smile.

"You know him?" The Amster kid asked me.

"Young boy," I said and knocked on his head. "Even though you are an Amster, you should still treat the King's assistant with respect." I said.

"Assistant? Then what is your Father doing?" Amster kid asked, and I had to pinch myself laughing.

"True... Very true." I said and turned to Lindon smiling. "Good question." I said and then turned to the Amster kid.

"I asked the same question to His Highness and he said, it is for personal reasons, kid." I said.

"But isn't your Father the King's good friend too? So personal things shouldn't be a matter." The Amster kid asked.

"Brilliant! Just brilliant! I am sure that, if you weren't born in the Amster Family, you would have been a genius." I said.

"I know I know. I am just being modest here, you see." The Kid said. And again, I had to stop myself from laughing out loud.

"True, true, true. I can see that." I said.

"How. Do. You. Know. Him?" Lindon asked, through his gritted teeth.


Then only did I think what I was about to say through.

"Well, our starting was a bit rough." I said.

"A bit rough?" He asked and started to smirk.

"Was it rough... by the stomach?" Lindon asked.

"Oh My Goodness! I can't believe that you are genius too." That Amster Kid said.

Great! I take back what I said. He just literally dug his own grave.

"And I am not a kid. My name is Ryan. Ryan Amster." Ryan said.

"Good, so Ryan-" Lindon started, when I caught his elbow and shook my head.

"What do you mean? He almost killed you." Lindon said, his anger level rising.

"I know right. That was so cool, right?" Ryan asked.

We both then gave him a, what-the-hell, look.

"What I meant is that, I hit you, and you didn't die-" When I heard that much, I told the soldier who was accompanying me to leave.

"-I am sure that you must be training. And that too, not every army trainee is capable of being alive. You must be a hardcore trainee." Ryan said.

"I... hard work." I said.

"Of course, you will. That is why, I am giving my allegiance to you." He said and bowed.

"Why?" I asked.

"When I was born, I remember my Mother saying that, No men is inferior to Man, and no Man is inferior to Woman, and that is the law of nature.

But in the state, there is a wide difference between the liberty of man and liberty of woman. Very unscrupulous.

That is why I admired you since the moment you were alive, after you got my hit. Because you are a person, who believes in true Liberty." He said.

I smiled. "For a kid, you really is sharp-mouthed." I said.

"I am not a kid. I am nineteen years old." He said and I choked.

"What? Nineteen? You look like a fifteen year old." I said, shocked.

"What do you mean looking like a fifteen year old? He looks like a well-defined middle 20s man." Lindon said.

"Exactly. Everyone has said that I look older than my age." Ryan said.

"Ah! Well, it must be because, in my mind, you are still a kid." I said.

Then Lindon smiled. "Good. That is something pleasant-able for my ears." Lindon said and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, we have to leave. We should not keep His Highness waiting." Was what I said.

But after that day, I felt like it would have been better, if I came to know the news a bit later.


I am very sorry, for making it short and updating late too. But that is because the next part would have been a bit too big if I hadn't done that.

I am sorry again. 

And thank you all for the support you people have given me. 

And don't forget to vote, comment, recommend and share my stories. 

So, till next time, 

Luv Y'all💕💕

Last updated on-3-10-2020

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