(#10)A Session with My Maid

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I told about the black figure incident to my Father. We are too close to keep any secrets. But about me being reborn, I guess I have to wait till we are completely in solitude.

After all, all walls have ears.

Father decided to strength the security around the castle. But I told him not to. "Father, if you get caught while you are stealing at a house, will you ever go back there again?" I asked.

When he opened his mouth, I shut it close with my index finger.

"Imagine Father, Imagine. I know that you will never get inside a house to steal." I said and he nodded.

"Of course I won't, because-" He stopped himself. It seemed like he got the idea. "See?" I asked.

Father then kept his hand on my head. "When did you start to think so deeply?" Father flicked my forehead. "Seriously Father, are you complaining?" I asked.

"I would never. It's just that you are progressing too fast." Father said. I raised my eyebrow. "It's just that, Oh Goodness, don't think that I think that you are unworthy, it's just that," Father heaved a sigh.

I smiled. "One day, I was like, Family Aesther? Oh yeah, it's my family, and the other day, I became like, Aesther is my Family, how can I not be a part of its legacy." I said and Father nodded, with his head low.

"I can understand what you mean, and what you want to know, so, how about we go for a trip?" I asked.

"A trip?" My Father asked. I smiled. "Father, I asked you the permission, not to repeat it." I said. "How can I say no to my daughter?" Father asked and I smiled once again.

Then I opened my arms for a hug and Father gladly obliged. "I will tell you everything soon, Father." I said.

"Before, I didn't have the courage to say this to you, based on your character. But now I have full belief in you. So, whatever you do, I believe in you." My Father just said that and my heart melted.

"Father, what you said now, is enough for me live my entire life." I said.

Then I broke from the hug. "But I need something from you, Father." I said. "What is it?" He asked.


Night was setting. And I, as usual, was busy. I had to make preparations for the coming trial of mine. Till now, the only persons that know that I am innocent are my Father, Belle, the King and Maylene and Louis.

Anyway one thing is for sure, Maylene won't be the one to get caught. But I wonder, who will be their scapegoat.

Pride is something that the people of Avalon are known for. I don't think that even a dying old man will help them.

I smiled to myself. I am looking very much forward for their performance, within three days.

"Miss, May I come in?" Someone asked and I adjusted the veil properly. "Yes, please." I said. Belle came in.

"Oh Belle, it's you." I said. "Yeah." She smiled. "Close the door tight please." I said and she nodded.

After she did, she turned to me. "Do you have something you specifically have to tell me, or," I batted my eyes playfully, "Did you miss me?" I asked and Belle laughed out loud.

"Oh Goodness," She said while holding her stomach and laughing. "I haven't laughed like that in a while." She said and I smiled. "It's an honor to make you laugh like that, Lady... Celin." I said.

It took me time to remember her family name. "Young Lady?" Belle seemed shocked. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"You know my family name?" She asked. "Yes, obviously. You yourself told me that, right?" I asked. "No..." She said.

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