(#35) His Mother

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Very Very sorry for the late update.🙏🙏


"Young Lady, did you see a young man with blue hair and yellow eyes?" I asked.
"I am very sorry, I haven't seen anyone of that description." Another maid, giving me the same answer.

I was starting to get annoyed.

Did he just disappear into the air?

I then saw a Butler looking at some documents, standing near a pillar. I got near to him.

"Respected Sir, did you see a young man with blue hair and yellow eyes?" I asked.

'Oh, you are talking about the Crown Prince?" He asked.


"Yes, yes, yes. It is him. Where did His Highness Crown Prince Lindon go?" I asked.

"When I saw him last, he was walking towards the Holy Garden." He said.

"Thank You for the information." I said and he nodded.

I then headed to the direction of the Holy Garden.

Because of the latest incident, there have been extra guards guarding the Holy Garden.

When I tried to enter first, they stopped me.

"I am Anastasia D'Laina Aesther. I need to get inside." I said and the guards started getting confused.

Then one of them whispered into his ears and then he moved his spear.

"Thank You." I said and moved past them.

The Holy Garden wasn't very big, but it definitely wasn't small.

If you come in here looking for a person, you might have to at least spend 5 minutes in there.

But Lindon had an above average height, with a glow of royalty emitting from him. It was easy to find him.

I followed the glow.

I then saw Lindon, sitting beside the Holy Lake, Ieros.

I sat beside him.

"Ana?" He was surprised.

"Yes, Your Highness?" I replied, indifferently.

He kept staring at my face. At last, I couldn't handle it.

I covered my face with my both hands.

"Stop staring at me like that. That is very un-gentlemanish." I said.

"No one ever told me that I was un-gentlemanish before." He said.

"There is a first time for everything." I said.

"Yeah, you were the first person that terrified me too." He said. "You can use some other words instead of terrified." I said.

"What would you suggest?" He asked, suddenly getting interested in the conversation. "Surprise? Or amaze?" I asked.

"Anything you say, Ana." He said and I blushed.

"Are you blushing?" He asked. "How did you know that?" I asked.

"So you are." He said, smirking. "You!!!" I said and slightly beat his shoulders.

"Wow, Lady. You are indeed very daring." He said. 'That comes in the blood." I said, looking straight.

"I thought so." He said.

"And..." I started. 'And?" He asked.

"Thank You." I said. 'For what?" I asked. "Helping me out there. I didn't want to marry that fast." I said.

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