(#60) Appointment

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"Thank you, again Miss Black Dame." The boy said once again by bowing.

"My son!" A voice came from inside the mansion, followed by a lady, running out.

She came out running and hugged the boy dearly.

She then looked at me and bowed quickly.

"I-We are really sorry. I know that we did indeed promise to return the money today. But my husband will only get his monthly tomorrow. By then, I promise to return completely." She bowing.

I shook my head.

"Please. I beg you. I will return plus the interest." She said, her face going pale.

I shook my head again.

"Please-" She started as her son stopped her.

"Mother, you misunderstood her. She is the one who actually helped me from the moneylenders who had started beating me up." The boy explained.

His mother started to look at me and the boy continuously.

"I am really sorry for misunderstanding you." The Mother said, bowing again.

"It is alright. It is also my fault for not explaining to you clearly, Fair Lady." I said and helped her get on her feet.

"She also gave me money to give to the moneylenders." The boy said.

"You-you... why did you accept it?" The lady asked the boy.

"It is not his fault. I was the one who made him take it." I said.

"Mother! Mother." The boy tugged his Mother's dress.

"Do you know that Miss Black Dame is coming from an honest family where they value word more than their life? So, Miss helped me pay for them." The boy said.

The Mother then looked and said, "Thank you, Miss Black Dame. Tomorrow, once we get the money, we will pay you, together with the interest." She said.

"Oh, there are other ways by which you can pay me too," I said and the Lady's forehead started sweating.

"Relax. Nothing much demanding." I said and the Lady smiled but was still worried.

"What may be your demand, Young Dame?" The Lady asked.

"I just want you to help me find a certain person." I said.

"That's it?" The Lady asked.

"That's it," I said, smiling.

"Even though everyone in the village is known by us, we still don't have the power of making them meet you." The Lady said.

"It is alright. You just need to help me find him." I said.

"Do we know that person?" The Lady asked.

"Your son said that he calls that person uncle," I said.

"My son calls half- no most of the village uncle." The Lady said, smiling.

"Oh. Well, if we come to describing, then that person is a doctor who is a genius in the field of poison." I said and the Lady's eyes widened.

"Judging by your reaction, it seems that you know him," I said.

"W-we d-do know him." The woman started stuttering.

"But?" I asked.

"But, we don't know when he will come and go." The lady said.

"Really?" I asked.

"I will take you to him." I heard a voice from behind and turned.

I saw a man, maybe in his early 40s or something.

"Are you that young boy's father?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"But, as my wife said earlier, we can only show him where he lives. About getting to meet him, it is up to you." The man said.

"Of course, I get that. So, when will we leave?" I asked.

"Sun is starting to set, what about tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded. 


Special Note For Readers

Fortunately, major problems got over fast, and I uploaded as fast as I can. I am really sorry for the delay though. 

And thank you for the amazing support you people have been showering upon me. Thanks a lot. 

So, don't forget to vote comment, and follow. 

So, till next time, ]

Je t'aime💕💕

Last updated on 6/12/2020

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