(#49) Morning

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"Seriously? LIN.DON!!!" I screamed early in the morning.

Suddenly Belle came in with a worried look and eyed the bed.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Crown Prince Lindon," Belle replied.

"On my Bed?!" I asked.

"Yes," Belle replied, nonchalantly.

"H-how... Why?" I asked Belle with shock.

"You screaming Lindon early in the morning, is definitely not suspicious," Belle said, sarcastically.

"Wait-" Belle said.

"What is the matter?" I asked.

"Your lips... they are swollen," Belle said.

That is the problem. He kissed me for too long yesterday, that I can't even feel my own lips today.

"Nothing. I just had a bad dream." I said.

Belle was quiet for some time.

She then looked at me, my lips, and then the bed.

"Oh." Was just what she said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I meant that you can't fool me as you have done before and I can put two and two together," Belle said and a blush crept upon my cheeks.

Belle simply smiled.

"Yes, yes. Now, breakfast will be served according to the menu you gave yesterday, Ma'am." Belle said.

"Alright. Just help me put on this corset." I said and Belle nodded.

"Ah, Ah, AH! Dear, sweetheart, sugar, just-just, loosen it a bit. I want to breathe, dear." I said, gasping for air.

"Sorry, Ana. You see. We maids don't wear these corsets all fay around." Belle said.

"Are you telling that to make me feel jealous? God! These are the moments where I feel like I need to just get the hell out of these things, get in some training clothes, and dame the way out." I said.

"I get it. I have heard a lot of ladies complain about this." Belle said.

"Hmm..." I just simply agreed.

"How is Father?" I asked.

"Alright, as usual," Belle said.

"And if anything, even-" Bell cut me off. "Even if you think it is insignificant, you must tell me." Belle completed.

I looked at her with a raised brow.

"You have been telling that every day for half a year almost. It is like a chant now. I can recite it any day, every day." Belle said and I smiled.

"Alright. I just want you to know the importance of it. I can't bear to lose Him." I said.

"But if it is his time to go, he must go," Belle said.

"It is alright if it will be an accident. But if it happens because of my lack of care, my ignorance or my mistrust in him, I will regret it for my whole life." I said.

"I get it, Ana," Belle said.

"So, since you are all dolled up, may we get down to the dining hall?" I asked.

"Sure," I replied smiling.

After we ate breakfast, we went to the Imperial Palace.

Apparently, the King has called all the important noble families to the Palace, for an important piece of news.

The Wind that blew across did make the atmosphere heavier.

Seems like the monsoon is coming soon. I thought, looking at the sky when getting out of the carriage.

I started walking towards the Imperial Hall.

Suddenly, I was pulled towards a side-way.

"Lindon!" I knew who it was, given the method, atmosphere, speed, and other factors.

He then pushed me to the walls, with a look of exhaustion.

"Lindon! What happened?" I asked. "You look exhausted," I said, caressing his face.

"Is this meeting not really simple, and had worn you out like this?" I asked.

"Well, this meeting is not actually simple," Lindon said, with a smile.

My heart clenched at the statement.

"Considering the reason that My Father has not even told me the reason behind it. But that is not the reason for my exhaustion." Lindon said.

"Then what is?" I asked.

"You." He said.

"Me?" I became confused.

"Yeah. After last night, I really don't know how I made it back home. It felt like I was drunk.

All I wanted to do was to go back and empty the liquor that I had started." He said, decreasing the distance between our mouths.

My face blushed at his statement, knowing what the liquor was and knowing his method of emptying.

Then the distance completely vanished. And like a part of a plot, my legs gave away.

The grip of my fingernails on his bareback made quite a pleasure.

"~ah...~" I let out moans of pleasure as his mouth found elsewhere to claim.

"Lindon, ~ah...~ you have to stop. We ~ah...~ have a meeting. And yesterday... ~ah...~ yesterday, you made my lips so swollen." I said, moaning in the middle.

"Really? I am sure that both I and you would find it difficult, both to stop and desire after stopping." Lindon said, holding me tightly in his arms.

"We... have to stop," I said, exhausted.

"Yeah, that is true." He said, making my head lean on him.

"Mm-hmm." I agreed.

"It is alright. We will continue afterward." Lindon said, and I am sure that he had that sly smile on his face.

"Lindon..." I didn't have any energy to fight.

Lindon then whistled.

"Zed, go bring Lady Aesther's maid, Bellatrix, to the Private Waiting Room," Lindon said.

"Will do, Your Highness," Zed replied and disappeared.

Lindon then picked me up in his arms and said, "Shall we leave, My Lady?"

"Yes, My dear Lord," I said, smiling.


Note For Readers. 

FYI, I am not uploading this early, well I am, but my intention is so that you can read it tomorrow. 

So, don't forget to vote, comment, share, and Follow. 

So, till next time, 

je t'aime 💕💕

Last updated on 02-11-2020

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