(#32) Back To The Capital

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I spend most of the time reading while we were in the carriage. We stayed in the same inn in which we stayed while coming too.

Within two days we reached back at the capital.

"Belle, you can sleep for some more time." I told Belle who kept falling on my shoulders.

"It is alright, My Lady. It is already morning and we reached Capital, too." Belle said.

"It is alright. Once we reach, if you are in the middle of sleeping, I will tell Rais to pick you up." I said and pointed at Rais.

"No problem." Rais said. 'Seriously?" I and Belle asked at the same time.

"Yes." Rais said, proudly.

"Alright. Then I am sleeping." Belle said and leaned against my shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Alright, sister. I will show my strength. When you wake up, you will be in your comfy little bed." Rais said.

"I better." Belle said and we both chuckled.

Father was having severe jet lag and was still sleeping.

We reached our mansion soon.

When we reached the main gate, I got out of the carriage and stretched my hands.

"Lady Aesther?" A guard came to me and bowed.

"What is the matter?" I asked.

"A letter came from the palace. It stated that Lord Aesther must go there, My Lady." The guard said.

"Alright." I said.

Palace? It must be important, then.

I then got back in the carriage. "What is the matter, Ana?" Rais asked, when I got back in.

"A letter from the palace came. We have to go there now." I said and went near to Father.

"Father dear. Father dear. Wake up." I said. Father woke up fast.

'Did we reach?" He asked.

"Yes, but I am afraid that we will have to go to the palace right now. A letter came." I said.

"Now?" Father asked, with unveiled annoyance shown on his face.

"Unfortunately, yes." I said.

"Fine then." Father said through gritted teeth.

"Coachman!" I called him.

"Yes, My Lady?" He answered. "We are going to the palace." I said. 'Yes, My Lady." He said and turned the carriage.

"And one more thing." I said. "What is it, My Lady?" He asked. "Stop at a restaurant." I said. 'Yes, My Lady." He said.

I then took out a papyrus and started writing on it.

Banana, Apple, Watermelon, Coffee.

"My Lady, we have reached a restaurant." The Coachman said. 'Alright." I said.

Then I knocked on the window. "What is it, My Lady?" The Footman asked.

I then handed him the paper.

"Buy items made with the first three given fruits and coffee. Buy for four person." I said.

"Will do, My Lady." The Footman said and took the note from my hand.

"Why did you buy for four? Belle is asleep." Rais said.

"I have a feeling that we will be at the palace for a while. And Belle may wake up. In case that happens, I want you to stay in the carriage with her." I said.

"Alright, Ana." Rais nodded.

By then, the Footman arrived.

"Here are all the items you wanted, My Lady." The Footman gave me the package.

'Thank You." I said. "Not worth mentioning, My Lady." He said and resumed to his duty.

"Father, eat these." I told my Father, who was still unhappy with the sudden summoning from the Imperial Palace.

"Yeah." He said with a gloomy face. I smiled. 'It is going to be alright." I said and patted his head.

I then gave the second and third parcel to Rais. 'One for you and the other for Belle." I said and he nodded.

I then took the fourth parcel for myself.

We finished by the time we arrived at the Palace.

"We have reached, My Lord and My Lady." The Coachman said.

"Father, we have reached." I said and he nodded. I then looked at Rais. 'You stay with Belle." I said and he nodded.

"Father, we shall leave." I said and we both got off the carriage.

When we reached the Royal Entrance, both the guards bowed to my Father.

"We received a summoning from the Palace." I said.

'Yes. We were requested to notify Your Excellency to be headed to the Imperial Palace." The guard said.


Last updated on 5-9-2020

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