(#88) The END

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The smoke from the Lydia army was a confident one. Confident that it would burn its enemies and rise forward.

But why would a small country's even smaller army have this much confidence?

And somehow I felt like I was about to know the answer.

All the soldiers of different houses, including the House Commanders and Major Commander, were ready on one side of Scarves.

Bewilderment filled in the atmosphere so much, that it felt like we were breathing in some too.

But on the other side, it was a very playful atmosphere. Soldiers were drinking as if they had already won the battle.

Confidence is one thing. But if they keep on drinking, will they be able to charge?


Then will we let our guard down?


Then is there a chance that an entirely different army will replace this and fight us?

But which? Only that question remains.

"What do you think, Lady Aesther, or should I call you Aesther House Commander?" A voice startled me and brought me from my thoughts.

"Pardon?" I asked, and turned as I saw Commander Ruenti staring intensely at my face.

"It looked like you were deep in thought. And from your line of sight, you were looking at the Lydia soldiers. So I wanted to ask your thoughts on their actions." Commander Ruenti said.

"I fell like... I am looking at a play happening in front of my eyes." I said.

Commander Ruenti didn't say anything.

"Then shall we settle down properly and discuss with ease?" Commander Ruenti asked.

"Then that shall be playing into them," I said.

Then another voice came through and asked a question that none of us dared to.

"Well, Commander Ruenti, has there ever been a situation where the alliance was broken?" It was Lindon.

I just didn't look back at him. Commander Ruenti did and offered a small bow.

"What do you think, Aesther House Commander?" Lindon asked.

"I feel that within a moment... the situation will change around," I said.

And as if the heavens were playing with my words, a sound of horn-filled cried filled Scarves.

Then, everything was quick.

"ON YOUR HORSES, SOLDIERS! THE BATTLE HAS BEGUN." Commander Ruenti shouted on top of his voice.

In that frantic moment, everyone rushed to their horses.

After getting on our horses and had formed the formation, the sight in front of us was completely different.

The playful and lazy army was replaced by a more powerful, dominating army, which only seemed to lack the order given to them to charge forward and tear the enemy into pieces.

And then, they served it too.

"CHARGE!!!" The enemy commander gave the order, and they began to charge.

As they got near, everything became clear.

It was not the Lydia army anymore.

It was the Gelna army.

Then, we didn't waste any more time.

"CHARGE!!!" Commander Ruenti gave the command, and an antagonistic, bloodthirsty atmosphere filled the battle-ground.

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