(#50) Cousin

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"My Lady, I have something important to report," Belle said.

"What is it?" I asked as I walked towards the Imperial Hall.

"Your cousin has arrived," Belle said.

"Finally! He arrived. I was about to think that he was assassinated on his way here." I said.

"But won't it take a really long time for people from the outskirt Avalon, to reach the Central Avalon?" Belle asked.

The Outskirt Avalon is a place that is excluded from the Avalon Empire. That piece of land was won by the former King when he fought in the battle of Tapi.

The land is fertile and has a countryside atmosphere. It is not as fashionable as the Central Avalon, but anyone living there can have a peaceful life.

And the one who takes care of that land was a governor, appointed by the King himself, during that time. Presently, his son is taking care of that land.

And coincidentally, my cousin, Albert Walshaw, belongs to the family of the governor who maintains that land.

So this, made the society completely believe that my Father will choose him as the heir, in order to claim power in the Outskirts.

"It will. But it will only take a bit more than a month. And right, two months have already finished." I said.

"Then My Lady, you mean that..." Belle asked.

"I think, he enjoyed the trip to Central Avalon leisurely," I said.

"How can you make that conclusion?" Belle asked.

"The court officials had already known of the news of Albert coming. Obviously, those old trolls will not waste this opportunity and shower him in blessings." I said.

"For their future foothold in the Assembly." Belle completed.

"Exactly." I agreed.

"Goodness!" Belle exclaimed.

"So, where will we be meeting my cousin?" I asked.

"It is said that he will make his entrance at the Imperial Hall," Belle said.

"Then I guess, we will only be seeing him then," I said.

We then entered the Imperial Hall.

"Where were you?" Father asked.

"Am I late?" I asked.

"You were late considering the fact that you left from the Household early," Father said.

"I left the Household early for these some matters, and that is why I am late, considering the fact that I left the Household early," I said and sat beside my Father.

"No wonder the ancestors said, too much blessing is a curse," Father said and I smiled.

"All hail the Emperor!"

We all then got up from our seats and greeted the Emperor.

"ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR." We all greeted together.

The Emperor got near to his seat.

"Alright. May everyone be seated." The king said and sat down, followed by all of the Ministers.

"Many mishaps have happened in these past two months. But together, we endured all of it. So today, I will give you all a present." The King said and everyone started to whisper among themselves.

"Present? Father, you knew about this?" I asked Father.

Father kept quiet.

"Alright. I won't ask any more questions." I said.

Rebirth : Rise of the PhoenixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ