(#86) A Sleep-less Night

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I tossed and turned around in my sleep.

I was craving his touch. Too much.

I don't know why. I took a good amount of caffeine a few hours before sleep, and also drank chamomile tea. I even took a warm bath before bed.

Just why sleep isn't just getting to me.

It might sound insane, but I think I might just go crazy from this insomnia.

I then sat up straight.

I will do some work. I thought and got up.

I lit a candle and went to my study room.




Done, done, and done.

Why is every work of mine already done?

I thought as I sat back in my chair.

Is someone else coming and doing my work?

I guess, when you lose sleep, you start thinking crazier possibilities.

I then opened a bottle of red wine and poured myself a glass.

It helped me relax my thoughts.


The realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

How can my work not be finished?

I have been coming to my study room and completing my work at night for the past week.

Yesterday, I even started doing work for the coming days.

I then opened some of the documents and continued from yesterday.

Then I looked through some reports and found that the price of grains, were not only not decreasing, but it is also going on the increase.

What the hell is wrong with Lydia?

It is not like we are asking for it for free. We give a good part of our revenue in exchange for the grains.

We also offer some of our silks and crops as a token of friendship.

And also, Lydia, comparatively with the other countries, is a small one, with an army in direct proportion with it.

There is no way that, that country would have the guts to do this.

Something is definitely fishy.

Now the only hope rests with a secret messenger I sent to Scavels, barren land which lies as the border between Avalon and Lydia, to check the matters at the border.

Even though my instinct is in contrast, I hope that everything is alright.

I then took a deep breath and looked outside the window.

I then saw the water-fall in our courtyard, surrounded by trees, earning it the title, Green Ring Courtyard.

It was there long before the House Aesther was even there. During the Building of this House, apparently, the then House-Lord didn't have the heart to demolish this beauty.

So, it remains, becoming more and more beautiful as years pass by, like a maiden, who never becomes old.

As I was staring at the waterfall, an idea came to me.

Uh-oh! I need one more glass of wine.

I thought, at the craziness of my idea.

Either way, I ended up doing it.

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