(#67) A Safe Return

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Caylin then took out a vial filled with liquid and made Lindon drink it.

After drinking it, Lindon suddenly began to cough out more blood, which horrified the King.

"Thank Goodness!" I exclaimed.

And as soon as I said that all pairs of eyes except that of Caylin looked at me with bewilderment.

"What do you mean?" Father asked.

"Look at the color of the blood that is being vomited. Dark red. Almost black, isn't it?" I asked.

All then looked at it.

"Yes." Father agreed.

"Goodness! It is the poison." Belle exclaimed.

"Finally! You are showing some improvement in medicine after being my Assistant." I said.

"It is true when they say that birds of the same flock fly together. Only Young Lady Aesther, as a doctor understood my intentions." Caylin said and I smiled.

"When will my son wake up?" King Adelouis asked.

"It will take some time since the poison has been in his body for a long time. The body needs to eject all the effects of poison it has on all the organs.

And during that process, the Crown Prince may eject it by vomiting. So, don't be scared when that happens.

At most, it will take 2 to 3days, for the poison to completely leave this body. And the Crown Prince may wake up on the third day evening or something, considering his body needs some rest.

And Your Highness, Now you can tell the Court members that the King has a slight fever and will not be seeing anyone for days." Caylin said.

"Thank Goodness. My son... he is finally going to be alright." The King said and went near to Caylin.

"Thanks a lot for saving my son." King Adelouis said to Caylin.

"It is my Pleasure helping the Crown Prince of the Empire. And don't you think Your Highness that a small portion of this gratitude belongs to Lady Anastasia, as well?" Caylin asked.

"Yes, yes, yes. Very true. Thank You, Lady Anastasia." The King then turned to me.

"My Pleasure," I said.

I then looked at Belle and Belle nodded.

"I will now excuse myself," Belle said Father nodded.

Belle then exited herself.

"I and My Father will also be leaving. We shouldn't make it too uncomfortable for the Crown Prince. Let the Doctor stay here for a little more while." I said and Father nodded.

"That's right." The King said and we both moved towards the door.

"And... I will check on him at regular intervals." I said, facing the door.

"That would be appreciated, Lady Aesther." The King said and I left the room.

"Alright, it is good to know that the Crown Prince is safe at last." Father sighed.

"Exactly. Such a relief!" I sighed with relief.

"My Lady." Belle came to me.

"What did you find out?" I asked her.

"My Lady, I asked around. It seems like it was not the Princess who poisoned the Crown Prince." Belle said.

"I also guessed that. Even though she is against our relationship, she loves Lindon way too much. I just asked for confirmation." I said.

"Yeah. Apparently, the Princess did seek an audience to see the Crown Prince, but as part of the Protocol, no one was allowed to see the Crown Prince.

Some maids said that they even saw her cry for not being allowed to get in.

Even I personally saw her right now. She looked too miserable to be faking it." Belle said.

"Oh. Then we will be heading back." I said and everyone nodded.

"Dear Ana." Father called.

"Yes, Father?" I asked.

"Tomorrow we will be having a court meeting. It will be regarding the sickness of the Crown Prince and matters regarding with the Crown Prince and Princess Velena's wedding matters." Father said.

"Oh," I said nodding.

While we were walking towards the carriage, I saw Velena.

"Wait a minute, Father. I will come right now." I said and walked towards the Princess.

Even though the sight of each other ignites fury within us, we were weeping for the same guys.

(A/N-Sounds weird right? Writing is even weird)

As soon as I reached near her, I saw her eyes red as she had been crying for a long time.

She also had black circles around her eyes. Seems like she had been losing sleep too.

There was sadness on being on the brink of losing a loved one. But more than that, they were some other emotion on her face.

A much stronger one.

But I couldn't place it properly.

"My Lady, you have to stop crying. We have many other things to complete Miss. We have to carry forward our plan." The maid said.

Our Plan? Do they have a plan?

"Ana!" My thoughts came to a close as Father called me. 

Both the Princess and her maid were alarmed. I then quickly hid under a bush. 

"Who was that?" I heard Velena asking.

"I think someone is calling for a person named Ana." The Maid said. 

"Oh." The Princess said and went back into her business. 

I then, with great caution, went back to Father.

"There is something Rais wants to ask you," Father said. 

"You may do so," I said. 

"Sorry?" Rais was confused. 

"You may come back with Caylin," I said.


Note For the Reader.

I am really sorry for not updating. I had written and all. But the net was too bad. I am sorry again. 

I am really thankful for all your support, even when I was not following my own timetable. 

Don't forget to vote comment and follow.

So, till next time, 

Je vous aimez

Last updated on 08/01/2021

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