(#3)An Encounter with Father

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I was resting on my cot, with a veil on my face when the door opened. An unfamiliar maid entered and bowed. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Your father has arrived, My Lady." She said and raised her head. 

I was getting excited. It had been so long since I had seen my father. The last time I saw my father, alive that is, was on the day we argued. I can still remember it like yesterday.

My father came back, tired after his court duties. I was waiting for him too. To ask questions. Regarding my mother. About my father cheating on her. Coming home after heavy workload, then to see his own daughter questioning about him cheating his own wife, intolerable. He was so angry, that he ran out of the house. 

The next day, the news of his death spread, along with another rumor. That I made him leave from the Aesther Manor. And all the witnesses who saw father leave from the manor supported that manor. That was a big blow to Aesther. 

Bringing myself back to the present, I pulled myself out from the bed. I changed from my bedclothes, to a more appropriate one, tightened my veil, did my hair and got out of my room.

When I walked towards my father in his study, I got many stares from the maids. I smiled to myself knowing that Belle's acting worked.

When I got in Father's study, there was a maid serving him tea. She looked at me and bowed, and turned herself to father continuing her job.

"You may leave, please." I told to the maid. She had a shocked expression on her face. "But this is my duty, My Lady." She said. "I want to be like a filial daughter for once." I said and she looked at Father. He nodded. The maid then bowed and left.

"Father." I turned to Father. "What happened? Aren't you supposed to be asleep now?" He asked. I went near to him and took the tea set from his worktable to the side table. "Are you complaining, Father?" I asked. "No!" His answer was reflex.

He got up and sit with me near the side table. "It's just that since you knew Prince Louis, it has always been either him or, what was that young lass's name?" He asked. "Marylene." I replied with bitterness in my tone. "Yes." And he recognized it.

I heaved a sigh. "Father." My voice turned serious. He had a shocked look on his face. And I can't blame him. Till my death in my last life, not once have I ever been serious.

"My Face." I said. "I know. Tomorrow I will go meet with some doctors and will check if they can regain your face." He said. "About my face, nothing happened." I said and removed my veil.

"Then?" Father was shocked. "It's all part of the plan." I said. Father raised his eyebrow. "I will tell you soon. But not now. Trust me, Father." I said.

A smile appeared on his face. "I can finallyrest in peace." He said. Great Father. Just when I was happy to see you alive, you are talking about death. I thought. "What happened?" I asked. "You are being serious. You are planning. I knew that my blood would not be wasted." He said and I smiled.

"There is another good news." Father said. "Your cousin brother will come by the end of this week." He said. I spit out the coffee. "Father!?" I was shocked. 'Cousin Brother!?" I was confused. "How come a non- existent being just come out of this air?" I asked.

Now that I think about it, I did have a cousin brother. And I didn't pay any attention to him. "He is supposed to be the faraway son of my faraway brother." Father said. "Is the faraway you are mentioning equal to the non-existent?" I asked. "I mean, Father. Are you even sure that both of you are of the same blood?" I asked. "What happened to you? I need an heir." He said.

"That's another thing I want to talk to you, Father." I said. "Which is?" He asked. "I am ready to become the next heiress." I said. "What?" My father was shocked. "Father don't tell me you are biased." I said. "It's nothing like that." He said.

"And it's not the first time a lady has come to position. Duchess Camiella to rose up." I said. "For the short period after her father died till her brother came back. It was only temporary. And Lady, she is your Mother." Father said. I simply smiled.

"Then I will be the first permanent Woman to assume position." I said, nonchalantly. "You are not joking, right?" He asked. "For the last time, no. I don't want to be like those other ladies, whose world is minimized into their family. No Father, I need to leave a mark. After all, History does not remember everyone, does it? Only the worthy." I said. "I knew it." My father was gleaming with joy.

"I knew that my daughter just needed time. Sure, my child. I will help you. Personally train you. I will make you one kind of a woman. I mean, I knew this would happen sooner or later. After all, you are of the Aesther blood." Father said.

'Yeah Father. Now stop congratulating yourself." I said. "But we have a problem." Father said. "What is it?" I asked. "What about you maybe cousin brother who will come?" He asked. "What is the problem in it? Did you tell him that he is going to be the heir?" I asked.

"Of course not." Father said. "Then what is the matter? When he comes, he will be treated as an esteemed guest. Unless he provokes me, I won't fight back. Since you haven't promised anyone anything, it won't be any problem." I said.

"But all the ministers are thinking that he is going to be the heir. They all will try to coax him." Father said. "Then keep quiet and watch the play. It will be nice to see their expression, when they know that all their effort has gone to waste. It will also serve them a good lesson, and will remind them to take a second thought, when doing something related to you." I said.

"Of course you are my daughter. But are you sure about the veil?" Father asked. "Father. There are actually many good things and almost no drawbacks. It will help my skin nourish because I won't be putting make up for a while. And all those nuisance who try to be Knight in Shining Armor, will step back knowing that I have a scar. And the most important, I can find a partner, who will like me because of me and not my appearance. It has no drawbacks because I don't really have a scar." I said and finished the tea, in an elegant way.

My father then stood up. "Are you alright, Father?' I asked, concerned. I stood up to him. His face softened. He then hugged me. 'To tell you the truth, I was really scared of your future. The careless way you were being. And you being close to Louise and that lass." He said. "Maylene." I said. "Yes, whatever. I always had a bad feeling about both of them." He said. "I understand, Father. I know what to do from now own." I said. "I am really happy. I feel like I am the happiest person in this world, right now." He said.

Me too, Father. I am the luckiest daughter, to have a father like you.


Special Note for readers.

To all the readers this poor writer isn't having much followers. Please help this poor soul.

Luv y'all 💕💕

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