Suvira AU (epilogue)

Start from the beginning

"We were fucking...." she mumbled, Jei couldn't make it out.


"We were fucking." Jei looked at her in surprise, pulling her hand away.


"Yeah. You can see why this is a problem, now will you leave?" Jei shook her head, placing a hand on Kuvira's shoulder.

"No. Come on let's get you in the shower." Kuvira blushed as the girl pulled her onto the closed toilet, pulling off Kuvira's shirt and helping her with a bra before getting her in the shower successfully. "Call me if you need anything," Jei said, stepping out of the bathroom. Kuvira turned to face the wall once she left, leaving her head against it. She lost everything, and here was Jei, holding her hair back, helping her into the shower. Hell, she hadn't even yelled at her for her grisly confession. Maybe someone cared about her after all. She cursed herself for even thinking it, no, Jei was simply here because Kuvira had a critical role in the dance. They couldn't loose their strongest acrobat.

When Kuvira stepped out of the shower she took the liberty of wrapping herself in a towel before she left the bathroom. She was surprised to find that her room was clean, or at least in the process of becoming clean. The window was open, fresh air drowned out the scent of alcohol and vomit. Weeks worth of dirty laundry was in a basket by the door, and her bed was made. Jei was tying a garbage when she stopped to eye Kuvira.

"Much better," the non bender said with a nod of approval.

"Thank you, Jei." Kuvira said, her eyes darting to the ground.

"You're welcome, but I'm not done yet."

"It's fine, I can take care of it from here." Jei dropped the bag of garbage and came up to Kuvira, looking at her as if she was a puzzle she couldn't quite figure out.

"You know Kuvira, I have been trying to get to know you for a while now. You push me away everytime. Why?" Kuvira blinked at her, unsure of what to say.

"I-I dont know, I don't think I-"

"Don't finish that sentence. We went on one date, and you left to talk to Su's daughter halfway through. I'm fine with being friends, but you have to let me help you." Kuvira bit her lips together, unsure of how to respond. When she said nothing, Jei picked up a set of folded cargo pants and a tank top, placing them in Kuvira's hand.  "Get changed. Then we're taking your laundry and we're going to talk." Kuvira didn't know how to say no, she didn't know how to say yes for that matter. So she did as she was told, and after dropping her towel and changing while Jei faced the wall they took the laundry downstairs to the laundry room. It was empty, one machine was being used but it was unattended. Kuvira threw in the load and put in her yuan, Jei sat on the bench, watching her. "Sit," Jei said, patting the bench beside her.

"We're going to talk here?"

"Well I'm not sitting in that room for longer than I have to until it airs out." Kuvira frowned and Jei blinked at her.

"What?" Kuvira asked sternly.

"You know what. Talk, tell me about it."

"I shouldn't."

"You shouldn't have done it all together, but that didn't stop you. Now talk, or I will bring Suyin down here and she can enlighten me." Kuvira stiffened, focusing on her laundry spinning in the machine.

"It wasn't just a hookup. Or it wasn't always just a hookup. Towards the end, when we really started to realize our feelings things got messy. Opal caught on and Su's conscious got the best of her and we broke up."

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