The one where It All Ends.

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pls bear with me, there is a lot of dialogue here and i just wanna say that i did get most -if not all- was from the book.


"He's lying, right? He has to be lying."

Ginny's voice can be heard above everyone else, they're all just whispering and murmuring amongst themselves.

In front of me, George blindly searches for my hand, gripping it tightly when he finds it. 

No, this couldn't be it. Harry couldn't be...I wipe my eyes. Was this something else that I'd missed when I'd been unconsious? I couldn't save Remus and Tonks and now this.

"I know what you're thinking," Fred whispers, leaning down so he isn't head, "Don't you dare, Amy."

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort repeats, red eyes moving across the crowd of fighters before him, "He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you all lay down your lives for him. His body, as proof that your hero is gone." 

My hand clenches around my wand. No, Harry would never do that. He wouldn't run away, he would have stayed with us, he would have fought till the end.

"The battle is over," he continues, "You have lost half your fighters, my Death Eaters outnumber you and The Boy Who Lived, is gone. There will be no more war. Anyone who continues to resist; man, woman or child, will be slaughtered."

Two of his Death Eaters hit Hagrid with large sticks, prompting him to move forward and I let out a choked sob when I see that it is Harry who's laying limply in his arms. 



Ron and Hermione's cries are heartbreaking - never have I heard anyone sound so pained but their shouts, they rally the fighters on our side and in just seconds, the air is filled with angry shouts and abuse being hurled their way.

"Silence!" I flinch when Voldemort yells and George turns his head just slightly to look at me, "It is over! Hagrid, set him down. Yes, set him at my feet where he belongs."

I look away, unable to watch as Hagrid does as he says.

"You see?" he laughs, "Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now? He was nothing but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him! He was killed while trying to sneak out of the castle grounds, killed while trying to save himself." 

Anna -and a few dozen others- let out shocked gasps as Neville broke free of the crowd. He charged at the enemy in front of us but as quick as he did, he was lying on his back, wand now in Voldemort's boney hand.

"And who is this?" he laughs.

"Neville Longbottom, my Lord!" Bellatrix cackled. 

"Ah yes," Voldemort says as Neville struggles to his feet, "Son of the Aurors. A pure-blood, am I correct?" 

"So what if I am?"

I had to hand it to Neville, he was brave talking to one of the most dangerous wizards around with an attitude like that. Very brave.

"You will make a very valuable Death Eater, Neville Longbottom."

"I'll join you when hell freezes over!" Neville yells, "Dumbledore's Army!"

I look around as our comrades answer with loud cheers. 

What happened next, I don't think I'll ever forget. Out of one of the broken windows, Voldemort summoned the Sorting Hat, put a body bind hex on Neville before placing the hat on his head. 

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