The One with Quidditch Tryouts.

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Friday arrived and with that, came the Quidditch tryouts and both Fred and Geroge were buzzed to get back into it again. 

The new girl, Melanie, she had been sorted into Slytherin and after giving her a tour while being stared at by the rest of the school, I told her not to be scared to come and find me if she had any questions before making my way up to Muggle Studies, a class that I was doing particularly well in, for obvious reasons.

It seemed that all teachers had been reading the same coursework this year because all they seemed to be going on about, despite having telling us on our first day back, was our NEWTs which meant that most, if not all of them, were a little bit stressed.

And it was only the first week!

I had decided to do as McGonagall asked and kept my head down throughout most of my lessons, apart from Charms. It was a bit hard to do so with Fred, George and Lee sitting beside me. 

But then again, it was a class that I was fairly confident in passing.

The twins were also rather confident in their Charms ability, which meant that instead of paying attention the two of them spent most of their time drawing up plans and talking things over for the shop. 

"Amy," Geroge whispered, grabbing my attention from where I was doodling a ladybug on the corner of my parchment, "What do you think?" 

He showed me his own parchment, which had diagrams of displays, all of their products set up specific ways. 

"Maybe move this, to here," I mumbled, drawing arrows to show where to swap items, "The colours will flow better." 

"Brilliant," he whispered before turning back to Fred and Lee, "Thanks!" 

I nodded, crossing my arms on my desk so I could lean my head on them, feeling the familiar dull thudding at the back of my head and slowly, I dozed off.

Thank heavens it was a double period. 

I was awoken at the end by George, who had gathered not only his own things but mine too and he gave me a soft smile as I got up, "You okay?" 

"I've got a headache," I mumbled and he cooed softly before kissing my forehead, taking my hand to lead me towards the door so we could head down to lunch.

"You going to be able to make it to the tryouts?" 

"I'll be there no matter what," I promised, "I've missed seeing you flying around on your broom." 

"Miss Silver!" Professor Flitwick squealed before we could leave the classroom and he came over to stand by us, "I've spoken to Professor McGonagall. I'd be happy to have you shadow in my class if you'd wish." 

"Really?" I asked, a grin spreading across my face, "Oh, Professor, thank you!" 

He bid us goodbye and we finally left the room and I felt my stomach rumble at the prospect of getting food. Hopefully, that'd make me feel better.


I wasn't feeling any better by the end of lunch so instead of carrying on with lessons, I retired to the common room, where I lit the fire and threw myself on the couch, pressing my face into the closest cushion, where I once again fell asleep. And I stayed asleep until 5:15. 

"Ah, sleeping beauty has arisen!" 

I blearily looked over the back of the couch to see Lee attempting to teach Hermione how to play Wizard's Chess and I grimaced, wiping my eyes before pushing myself up. 

At least I was feeling a little better. 

"Where is everyone?" I asked, taking note of the empty common room. 

"Dinner," Hermione murmured, "I'm just waiting for Harry to get back from his detention with Umbridge." 

"It's his last one tonight, isn't it?" I mumbled, moving to sit by the two of them, "Please try and make sure he doesn't get it again. I think Angelina almost had a heart attack when she found out." 

I stood up and moved to the window of the tower, glancing out to try and catch a glimpse of what was happening down on the pitch but thanks to the rain that was coming down, it was next to impossible. 

"Oh, Amy," Hermione began, "While I've got you, you're obviously close with the twins," 

"I am," I nodded, "Way to state the obvious, Hermione." 

She flushed red but got up too, ripping a notice down from the board and handing it to me, "You have to get them to stop testing this stuff on the first years."

"Oh Hermione, no!" I groaned, tossing the paper off to the side, "I'm playing no part in this. You're the prefect, not me." 

"You're George's girlfriend!" 

"So? He's not gonna listen to me because of that. You know them, once they have something in their minds, they're gonna do it! Besides, I've voiced my concerns before and he's assured me that nothing will go wrong." 

"Well keep trying," Hermione demanded as the portrait swung open, Harry tiredly making his way in and she was quick to grab his arm and haul him back out to go grab something to eat. 

After a while of it being just me and Lee in the common room, other students slowly started trickling back in and I noticed that there was a gaggle of first-year girls now sitting beside us at the fire, eagerly looking at the door as if waiting for someone to come in. 

Eventually, the Quidditch team made their way in, dripping water onto the carpets and I got up to greet my boyfriend.

"Hey," George muttered, shaking his head to rid it of all the excess water and from behind us, I could hear the girls giggling. 

Oh dear lord. 

"Hi," I smiled, looking at their younger brother, "How did you get on, Ron?" 

"I got it," he mumbled, giving me a smile, "I'm keeper!" 

I let out a small squeal and gave him a hug and when I pulled away, my clothes were damp and his face was as red as his hair. 

Fred moved to put his sopping gloves by the fire to dry and I watched as the group of girls all but swooned when he got close to them and one even plucked up the courage to say hello to him to which he responded with a small smile. 

"Well done, Ron!" I cheered as he disappeared to have a shower. 

"You should do the same," I mumbled, looking up at George, "Otherwise you'll catch a cold." 

"Kiss first," he whispered, leaning down with puckered lips, making me giggle before pushing him away. 

"After your shower, Weasley." 

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