The One with Harry's Hearing.

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That night as I lay in bed, I thought about what Ginny and Hermione had touched upon earlier. 

I mean, I hadn't really given it much thought but perhaps there could be some way I could try and...force myself to have a vision. 

So with that thought in mind, I got up from my mattress on the floor, stepping over Ginny as I headed for the bedroom door.

I made it to the bathroom without being heard or running into Kreacher, who let's face, scared the crap outta me. 

Locking the door behind me, I left the light off and moved to stand in front of the cracked mirror hanging on the wall; the moonlight streaming in through the window so I could see my reflection. 

"Okay," I breathed, closing my eyes, making sure to clear my head of everything except Harry, focusing on nothing else.

Ten minutes later, I had nothing. And when I got nothing, except a sore head, I sighed. Maybe there was some sort of restriction on my ability until I left school? Honestly, I had no idea. 

Frowning, I shook my head and headed for the door again, leaping back when I opened it and George was on the other side. 

"Hi," I squeaked. 

"Evening," he mumbled, running a hand through his wild bedhead, "What're you doing in there with the light off?"

"I was just..."

"You know what? Never mind. It's too early and I need to pee. Wait there for me." 

A small smile made its way onto my face as I moved out of his way, going to sit down on the stairs and wait for him. 

"Come on," he said, giving me a smile and I got up to follow him upstairs to his room, standing in the doorway to watch him pull the quilt from his bed. 

"What're we doing?" I asked, taking his hand. 

"There's a fire downstairs," he shrugged, "Thought we could maybe go sleep down there." 

"Really?" I grinned and by the time we were downstairs, that same grin was still on my face. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" 

I fell down onto a fluffy armchair while he flicked his wand at the fireplace, a warm glow emitting around the room, "Nothing, I'm just thinking that this is rather romantic..." 

"I suppose it is," he said, a small smile making its way onto his own face as he came to stand in front of me, "Just don't tell Fred, yeah? Shift,"

I eagerly moved, letting him sit down in my place and I gently perched myself on his knee before reaching over to grab the blanket he had dragged downstairs. 

His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me in closer to him and my head was resting on his shoulder, "I feel like we haven't gotten any time to talk since you arrived." 

"I know," I agreed, "But we're talking now. So, you can tell me all about these plans for a joke shop in Diagon Alley." 

And that's what he did, he launched into the ideas they had come up with; the layout of the shop, the products, everything. 

"What about you?" he mumbled and I glanced up at him to see that he was starting to doze off, "What are you doing after school?" 

"I..." I trailed off, "I really don't know." 


Harry arrived sometime during the night and was sitting at the table staring at a couple of slices of toast when I emerged from the sitting room. 

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