The One with Interrogations.

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The last few hours of Bill and Fleur's wedding night was consisted of each of us getting interrogated by the Death Eaters that had ruined the whole occasion. 

I had been taken first but after the whole thing with Melanie, who told them that I was no longer a threat, I was free to go. 

I didn't feel right. My body was still aching from the curse it was put under, my head was all over the place and all in all, I just felt horrible. 

George had been taken after me and had returned with a blanket, which he'd wrapped tightly around my shoulders before I climbed onto his lap. 

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, pressing his lips against my forehead as Fred came back into the room.

"How's Anna?" I whispered, watching him run his hands through his hair, "She's...she's gonna be okay, right?"

"She's awake," he nodded, "They just hit her with a stunning spell. Thank goodness. I told her to stay upstairs and rest."

"I just hope Ron and the others are okay," Ginny said as she sat down beside George and I, taking notice of how I was currently cocooned in a blanket, "What happened to you?" 

"Melanie," George said bitterly, his arms tightening around me just slightly, "She used the Cruciatus Curse on her."

It seemed that no one knew this because Molly, who had just entered the room carrying a tray of tea and biscuits, almost dropped it and everyone else turned their attention to us. 

Which I didn't like. So I hid my face in George's shirt. 

"Oh," Molly whispered, putting the tray down on the closest surface and seconds later, I felt her hand on my shoulder, "You poor girl. Are...are you okay?"

"Mum," George said quietly, "I-"

"It's okay," I placed my hand on his chest before looking up at the worried woman, "I'm fine, Molly. I'm just. I just feel tired."

"Of course," she nodded, "Well, everyone is staying here tonight so you go on up to bed whenever you feel like it."

"I think that's a good idea," I agreed, slowly pushing myself off George's lap, "I might just go lie down just now."

"You want me to come with you?" he asked, looking rather reluctant to let go of my hand.

I shook my head, "It's okay."

He nodded and finally let go of me and before I disappeared up the stairs, I turned to look at Arthur, "Ron and the others, let me know if you hear anything, yeah?" 

"Of course." 


Before I had climbed into George's bed, I checked on Anna and grabbed my half of the mirror from on top of his bedside table, laying it down on the pillow beside me just in case Harry and the others decided to try and get in contact. 

I dozed for a couple of hours, not falling into a deep sleep at all and eventually, I gave up and ended up laying awake listening to everyone else making their way to bed. 

I pretended to sleep when Anna got up and left the room - most likely going in search of Fred and not even a couple of minutes passed before the bedroom door was creaking open again. 

Even in the darkness, I knew that it was George. The sound of his footsteps was a dead giveaway - heavier than Anna's but lighter than Fred's and as he moved around the small room getting ready for bed, I reached over and turned on the lamp.

"Blimey," he breathed, spinning around to look at me with wide eyes, "Don't do that, Love! Thought you were asleep." 

"I couldn't," I admitted sheepishly, resting my chin on my knees, "Have you heard anything from Ron?" 

He pulled off his dress shirt and pulled on one of his old ones, shaking his head, "No. But dad's sent a Patronus telling him not to get in contact. That it's too dangerous. He also said not to get in contact with you through the mirror. We can't risk it." 

I nodded, looking at the mirror that was still on the pillow beside me, "I suppose he's right." 

He watched me put it back on the table before climbing into the bed beside me and I was quick to cuddle up close to him, resting my head on his chest while he started running his hands through my hair. 

"When I heard the scream," he whispered, clearing his throat, "I don't know how, but I knew it was you. And then I saw what she was doing to you...I though-" 

I closed my eyes and kissed the small area of exposed skin at the top of his chest. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, "Now, I mean."

"I just ache a little bit," I murmured, looking up at him and he placed his hand on my cheek, "But it'll pass. But this is it, isn't it? Things are just going to get worse." 

He said nothing. He couldn't. We all knew that sooner or later, there would be a war. And we were going to have to fight in it. 


soz that this is so short and its so overdue. lack of ideas, y'know? thank you for being so patient! 

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