The One with St. Mungo's.

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"Hey, Silver, look up." 

"What? Why?" I asked but did as Fred said anyway, a light splash of pink colouring my cheeks when I saw that he had made mistletoe appear above me and George, "Fred!" 

"C'mon now, Amy," he grinned, "It's tradition!" 

The heat on my cheeks grew as his brother gave me an identical grin.

Normally, I wouldn't mind but come on, his mother and siblings were all currently watching us; Molly with a sparkle in her eyes. 

I quickly leant in and gave him the lightest of kisses before standing up from the table, "I'll go grab my shoes so I'm ready to go whenever you guys are ready." 

I practically ran from the kitchen, hearing their snicker as I bolted up the stairs to my room. 

I was pulling on my boots when I heard George come into the room and I looked up to see him leaning against the doorframe.

"Not like you to get embarrassed so easily." 

"Your mum is down there," I mumbled, finishing zipping up my boots.

"Well," he said, coming further into the room, "She isn't here now and I just happen to have this..."

I couldn't help the grin that spread onto my face when he brought the mistletoe out from behind his back, holding it up over my head as he sat down beside me. 

"You're an idiot," I whispered as he leant in closer. 

"Your idiot though, right?" he asked, lips brushing mine as he spoke. 

"Yeah," I breathed, kissing him softly, "My idiot." 

He kissed me again, letting the mistletoe fall to the floor so he could move his hand to rest it on my cheek. 

When it became a struggle to breathe, he pulled back, resting his forehead against mine as his dazzling smile crept back onto his face. 


"Happy anniversary." 

My mouth fell slack as I stared up at him. 

"Oh my god," I exclaimed, "Oh, that's today...George," 

He shushed me and gave me another kiss, "Hey, it's okay." 

"No, it's not!" I muttered, head resting on his chest, "It's our first anniversary and I forgot. I was going to cook something. Make a cake. I'm a horrible girlfriend." 

"Come on now," he said, "Stop being so dramatic. We've had so much going on and honestly, I forgot myself until Fred mentioned it this morning." 

"We really suck at this," I whispered, looking at the door when it opened and Fred poked his head through. 

"Hey," he said, giving us a smile, "We're getting ready to go." 

"We'll be down in a minute," George nodded. 

I waited until he had disappeared again before looking up at my boyfriend again, "Listen, are you sure that your dad won't mind me being there?"

"Of course not," he shook his head as his mother called us from downstairs this time, telling us that the cars from the Ministry were here to take us to the hospital. 

"Come on," I smiled, "We'd better go before your mum kills us." 


I'd always felt really awkward whenever I had to into hospitals; muggle or magic and being in St. Mungo's was no different. 

I stuck close to the twins as we made our way through the lobby, towards the information desk so Mrs Weasley could tell the nurse that we were here. 

Mr Weasley was propped up in his bed, a tray of food on his lap and he brightened up as soon as he saw his family heading towards him. 

"Merry Christmas!" he cheered but I could see that he was looking a little pale and he had a small, uneasy smile on his face and he wouldn't meet his wife's eye.

"Are you okay, dear?" she asked as she began fluffing his pillow for him. 

"Yes, yes," Arthur waved his hand, eagerly reaching over to pick up one of the presents, my present for him, that was laid on the bed, "You haven't seen Healer Smethwyck have you?" 

Molly's eyes narrowed, "No. Why?" 

"No reason," he said, pulling open the gift and his eyes lit up as he unveiled the book I had bought him, "How things are made. Oh, Amy, this is wonderful! Thank you." 

"No problem Mr Weasley," I said quietly, giving him a smile, "I'm really glad to see that you're getting bet-"

"Hang on," Molly said, lifting up her husband's nightshirt to look at what I'm guessing was his wound, "You've had your bandages changed. I thought they said you wouldn't need that done until tomorrow." 

"W-what?" he stuttered, "No, no! It's nothing." 

"Get ready," George whispered, giving me a little smile, "She's gonna blow."

"Now, don't get upset, Molly." Arthur said, toying with his hands, "But one of the trainee healers had an idea. He wanted to try what Muggles call...stitches." 

My eyes widened as Molly let out what could only be described as a growl and Lupin, getting the idea, was quick to leave the bedside, making his way over to the lonely man in the bed across from his. 

"You mean to tell me," Molly began, her voice surprisingly calm, "To tell me that you've been messing around with Muggle remedies?" 

"Actually," I stupidly piped up, "Stitches are actually really successful. I mean, I've had them I don't know how many times an...oh, okay. Not the time." 

George grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me toward the room's exit and I was happy to follow him as he suggested we get a cup of tea or something from the canteen. 

As we made it to the door, that's when Mrs Weasley erupted, her raised voice startling the other people who were on the floor and the twins couldn't help but snicker.

"Ah, dad never fails to amuse me," Fred said, wiping a tear from his eye and I giggled along with him. 

Yeah, their dad was pretty funny.

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