The One where Fred Has a Date.

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So far, I'd had no luck with seeing anything that Draco was up to but that didn't stop me from trying. 

Every day, for an hour or so, I'd stare at my mirror, trying desperately to see past what I already knew but still, I got nothing and it was frustrating me to no end. 

"Nothing," I muttered, throwing the mirror down on the coffee table, George wincing at the loud clattering noise it made, "Nothing." 

"Hey," he murmured, scooting along the couch so he was beside me, "Relax, yeah?" 

"I can't relax, George," I sighed, "The Order is counting on me to work this out. To find out what Draco is doing and I can't give them any information. Nothing." 

My eyes followed him as he got up, circling around the couch until he was behind me and he placed his hands on my shoulders. 

"Relax," he whispered and I groaned as he started massaging my tight muscles, "I'm going to talk to my dad. Mum was right; Moody should never have put all this pressure on you." 

I opened my mouth to reply, turning my head when the front door opened. It must have been opened with some force because we heard it hit against the wall before Fred tore into the living room.

"I'm going to do it," he said confidently. 

"Oh, bloody hell," George muttered, "Here we go. Wait, where are the cakes?" 

"I'm going to do it," he repeated as if Geroge hadn't spoken, "I'm going to ask her out." 

Her was Anna. He'd been pining for her since I had introduced them and he had been saying that he was going to ask her out every day. 

Except that was last week and he was still to do anything. 

"Fred, forget about that a minute," George pleaded, "Did you get the cakes?" 

"Huh?" Fred stopped his pacing, "What? Oh, no. I didn't even make it into the bakery. I just stood outside the window for fifteen minutes staring at her." 

Both his brother and I groaned, "Fred, those were going to be for the meeting tonight." 

George's hands left my shoulders, "I'll run back across and see what she's got left." 

With one last scathing glare at Fred, he disappeared while his twin fell onto the couch beside me. 

"What's gotten into you?" I giggled, "The Fred Weasley I know is confident and doesn't get this worked up over a girl." 

"I don't know what it is, Silver." he admitted, "I...I really like her. And I guess I'm just worried that she's going to say no." 

I smiled as he rest his head on my shoulder, bringing my hand up to give his face a small pat, "You're so cute. But why would she say no? I've seen the way she looks at you. And, don't tell her I told you this, but every time I say your name, her eyes light up."

I glanced down to see him biting down on his lower lip, "Does she really?" 

"She does," I nod, "Ask her out, Freddie. She'll say yes. I promise." 

We both looked up as George came back into the room, carrying a small box, "She had a few left. I'm thinking if we cut them in half, we'll be fine. Oh, and Fred? You have a date tomorrow night."

"What?!" the two of us turned to stare at him. Me with my mouth open and Fred with a look of disbelief on his face. 

"What...what?" he repeated. 

"Well, since you weren't going to do anything about it," George shrugged out of his coat and hung it up, "I did it for you. Anna thought I was you and so I just went with it." 

Fred let out an overdramatic groan before getting off of the couch, slamming the living room door behind him and I got up to stand by Geroge, "You pretended to be your brother?" 

"Well, she assumed that I was him, I just didn't correct her." he smiled. 

"You're something else, Geroge Weasley." I murmured, leaning in to peck his cheek, "But you did a good thing."

Fred came back into the room and launched a rolled up pair of socks at his brother, which bounced off his head and landed in the sink, "You're an idiot by the way and I hate you. But thank you." 

"You're welcome," he shrugged, not looking up from stirring his coffee, "Just don't screw it up." 



The who of the next day, Fred was freaking out. He freaked out even more when George told him that he was going to Madam Puddifoot's tea room in Hogsmeade but when seven twenty rolled around, he came into the living room wearing a nice shirt and his best pair of slacks.

"Wow," I whistled, "Look at you! You scrub up well."

"It'll do?" he asked, turning around to give both George and I a proper look at the full ensemble. 

"It'll do," I nod and he visibly relaxed, "Except, your tie is crooked." 

I got up and moved to fix it while George gave him a thumbs up, "You've got this." 

"Am I sweating?" he asked, "I feel like I'm sweating." 

"You're fine," I reassured, "Trust me. Where are you getting her?"

"Outside the bakery," George answered, "She said she'd meet you there."

"Okay," Fred breathed, "Okay. I'd better go. You said half past, right?"

As if this wasn't already nerve-wracking enough for the poor guy, Geroge and I decided to accompany him down to the front door, where we would see him on his way.

"You're going to be fine," I grinned, "Just make sure you're polite and you pay for whatever it is she has." 

"Don't screw it up," George repeated his advice from yesterday and I rolled my eyes. 

"I don't have to listen to this," Fred muttered, "I'm going now." 

"Bye!" I cheered, "And have fun!" 

"And use protection!" George yelled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as I giggled and he pulled me to his side, "There he goes." 

"I know," I wiped under my eye, watching as he made his way down the quiet street, "They grow up so fast." 

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